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"Crucio" the man spoke as I screamed out in pain while arching my chest, "please! Please stop! I'll tell you what you want! Just please!" Newt cried, then the pain stopped and I gasped for air. "That wasn't so hard was it?" the man smirked, Newt then told him how to release the Swooping Evil, the man did as Newt told him and then set it under the Imperio curse. The man talked about something and then set the Swooping Evil onto Newt. But I pushed him out of the way, I got bit in the neck and I let out a loud scream.

~Newt's pov~

"Y/N!" I shouted as the Swooping Evil then let go of her, she fell back, I rushed over to her, "Y/n! Y/n! Stay with me, baby!" I panted as I began to hold pressure on her neck but not too much pressure so she couldn't breathe. "You're okay" she whispered, "I'm fine...Y/n...please...please stay with me" I cried as the man laughed. "What an idiot! Stupid, filthy mudblood...all right...this has gone on long enough..." the man then tried to have the Swooping Evil attack me but it didn't. It only stared at me, "what's happening?" the man grew worried, I glared at the man and then I whistled. The Swooping Evil then attacked the man as I picked up Y/n and walked down into the case.

I quickly worked to counteract the Swooping Evils venom, knowing that she could lose her memory of me, 'I will not lose you Y/n

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I quickly worked to counteract the Swooping Evils venom, knowing that she could lose her memory of me, 'I will not lose you Y/n...' I kept thinking, Pickett even helped me by handing me some small items that I needed to use for my potion. Once I got the potion done, I poured it onto her wound. She shot up and screamed in pain. "I know....I know darling" I held her, she then fell unconscious again. 'That will counteract the venom...now it's only a matter of time' I picked her up and lay her on the hammock. I left the case, got the Swooping Evil, closed the case, and disapparated to our shared home. Over the past seven days, I took care of Y/n until she finally woke up. "Hello?" I heard her speak from upstairs. "I'll be there in a moment!" I shouted up to her, I finished feeding the creatures, walked upstairs and saw she was looking around as if she didn't know where she was. She looked at me and jumped back. "Who are you?" she asked, I felt my heart break 'I wasn't fast enough...no. no. no.' I felt like crying, "I-I'm Newton...but everyone calls me Newt..." I whispered as she cocked her head to the side, "and where am I?" she asked as she pulled out her wand and pointed it at me, "are you going to hurt me?" she glared at me, "Expelliarmus" I shouted as her wand flew towards me and I grabbed it. "Relax...I'm not going to hurt you...it seems your memories of magic are still intact" I whispered that last part, she looked at me and then looked around the house. "You're at my place...you were attacked...by a Swooping Evil...don't you remember?" I asked her

~Your pov~

I shook my head at the unknown man as I saw a little green creature poke its head out of his pocket. "Ah!" I screamed as I jumped back, the man looked down at his pocket, "oh! This is Pickett...he's a Bowtruckle" he told me as the creature climbed onto his hand, "here...he won't hurt" he told me as he held out his hand, I then held my hand out and the small creature known as a Bowtruckle climbed onto my hand and looked at me, "you're...cute" I smiled at Pickett, "we were friends..." the man spoke as I looked at him, "best friends...we went to school together...don't you remember that?" he asked again, I thought for a moment, I only remembered Leta, not someone named Newt and I looked at him. "I-I'm sorry...I-I don't remember you..." I spoke as he sighed and sat down with his face in his hands. I could tell that he was crying. "I wasn't fast enough" he sobbed as I walked up to him, I removed his hands from his face, placed a hand on his cheek, and wiped away a tear. "Then help me remember..." I told him, he gave me a small smile.

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