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"All right...you have to go through customs because you're an American...I'll get us a cab...and then we'll head home..." he told me as he gave me a kiss. We lived in his old summer home where his parents raised Hippogriffs. He walked off as I went through customs.

~Newt's pov~

I looked around for a taxi, one pulled up, "need a ride?" the driver asked, "oh! Yes! I'm waiting for someone, however..." I told him as he smiled, "it's fine, we can wait. Just get in when they get here" he told me, I watched as Y/n went through customs in a matter of minutes. We both got into the taxi, I told the driver where we were going, and I talked with Y/n about random things. "Hey Newt..." she whispered, I looked at her, "where are we?" she cocked her head to the side, "uh...sir..this isn't where we wanted to go" I told the driver who slammed on the breaks, he turned around, "Petrificus Totalus" he spoke as he froze me.

~Your pov~

"Newt!" I shouted as I grabbed my wand, "Expelliarmus" the man pointed his wand at me, my wand flew out of my hand, he smirked and reached for Newt's case. "I don't need magic to beat the shit out of you" I growled as I gripped onto the case and bit the man's arm. He screamed out in pain. Then both Penelope and Pickett leaped at him and began to attack with their sharp claws. The man got them off and threw them. He then slapped me so hard that I fell unconscious.

I woke up a few hours later, my hands were bound behind my back and I was chained up

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I woke up a few hours later, my hands were bound behind my back and I was chained up. I tugged at the chains, the man walked up and sat on a stool. "What do you want?" I glared at him, "I want something that's in here..." he patted the case and you're going to get it for me..." he spoke, "never!" I yelled, "I think you will..." he smirked, I swallowed hard and he pulled out his wand. He pointed it at me. "Crucio" he spoke as pain was sent throughout my entire body, I screamed loudly and he just smirked.

~Newt's pov~

I regained the ability to move after a few hours. (not related...but I have a fucking cat next to me that's snoring XD) "Y/n!" I looked around the now empty taxi, I looked over and saw Penelope and Pickett. Pickett was holding his mate which wasn't moving. 'Oh no...' I held out my hand, Pickett climbed onto my hand, I picked up his limp mate, "Penelope..." I whispered, no response, I looked over at Pickett. "I'm sorry Pick..." I told him as a tear slid down my cheek "we'll give her a proper burial after we get Y/n back..." I told him as I placed Penelope's body in my pocket, Pickett then looked at me, "where did they go?" I asked him, he made the motion of disapparating. "Bloody hell..." I got out of the taxi and looked around. "They could be anywhere" I panted, I pulled out my wand, looked around in the car, and saw that her jacket was still there, 'perfect!' I smiled. I then put a tracking spell on the jacket and followed it to an abandoned house. I could hear her screaming from the inside, I ran in, 'where is she?!' I looked around and then ran downstairs. I saw her chained up, "Y/n!" I ran over to her, I examined the lock on her chain. "Alohomora" I spoke as the chain became unlocked and I get it off of her. "Y/n...wake up darling" I whispered as her eyes fluttered open. "Newt!" she exclaimed as she hugged me tightly, "Newt! He's after something out of your case...I think he might be upstairs..." she told me as she got up and we ran upstairs.

We entered a room where my case was "thank Merlin..." I sighed as I walked up to it, "Accio" someone spoke as the case flew past me, we turned around and saw the man. "Expelliarmus" he spoke as my wand flew to his hand. "Tell me how to get what I need..." he spoke, I stood in front of Y/n and glared at the man. "Never" I stared him down and he laughed, "we'll see about that..." he pointed his wand at me, "Imperio" he spoke.

~Your pov~

Newt turned and looked at me. "Here you go..." the man gave Newt something, "I just need a small distraction so I can get what I need" the man the turned as Newt pinned me to the wall. He stopped and looked at me, "do you know what the Amortentia does?" he asked me, "it's a love potion that makes the drinker obsessed with someone..." I glared at him. "Exactly...enjoy..." he then walked off, Newt took the cap off of a small vial with a pink liquid in it, I was never the best when it came to this potion, someone used it on me once before, I tried to resist it but I couldn't. As soon as the sweet scent hit my nostrils, my breathing got heavy and I stared at Newt. With most people, it made them fall in love, but with me, it made me fall in love and turned me on. It was like it heightened all of my senses, "Newt...don't do this..." I whispered as he brought the vial up to my mouth, he poured it into my mouth, I refused to swallow it, so I spit it back in his face, he cocked his head to the side and then bit down on my neck. Hard enough to draw blood. I screamed in pain.

~Newt's pov~

Y/n had let out a scream. Then I realized what I was doing. I let go of her neck and backed away. She fell to the ground holding her neck and crying. I could taste the iron of her blood in my mouth. "Y-Y/n...I-I'm so sorry!" I cried as I checked on her, "we'll deal with it later! He's getting away...I think he's outside!" she told me as she got up.

~Your pov~

We ran outside, we saw the case was opened. "I don't think anything was taken," I told him, "no...something was taken...now tell me how to use this little fella..." the man spoke, we turned around and saw him holding something between his fingers. Newt gasped as he held me behind him. "What do you want with the Swooping Evil?" Newt asked, "yes because I was going to take my time and explain to you my evil plans..." the man rolled his eyes and then pointed his wand at Newt. "Now tell me..." he glared, "never" Newt cleared his throat, the man smirked, "I was hoping you'd say that..." the man smiled evilly. "Crucio" he spoke as Newt fell to the ground screaming. "Newt!" I shouted as I held onto him, "Crucio..." the man spoke harshly, "AHH!" Newt screamed, "STOP IT! YOU'RE KILLING HIM! HE WON'T TELL YOU! EVEN IF YOU DO TORTURE HIM!" I shouted as the many dropped his hand, Newt panted, "very well..." the man pointed his wand at me, "let's see if he'll talk after I get done with his precious little mudblood..." he spoke with an evil smile.

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