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I woke up the next morning, a blanket over me, the hammock swaying, and the Mooncalfs chirping. I rolled over and saw Newt was still reading his love poems. "Read another to me..." I whispered as he looked at me and smiled.

"Let me take care of your broken heart
and show you how to fly.
Let me hold you gently by the hand
and kiss your tears goodbye.

Let me lead you to tomorrow's light
and out of needless rain,
'cause all I want right now
is to see you smile again.

Let me sing you all the songs I wrote
'til you sleep in my embrace,
and I'll keep you safe and warm until
the sunlight strokes your face.

Let me bring you up the mountain's peak,
and I'll let you touch the skies
to remind you of the strength I see
when I look into your eyes.

Let me kiss and show you what is love
and the happiness it brings.
You'll sail again like a butterfly
endowed with pretty wings.

Let me do all these to let you see
our fates are intertwined.
You're the accidental precious gem
I've waited long to find.

The earth and sky conspired to make us meet.
They knew we both belong
to each other like words and lovely notes
give life to every song.

So fly with me, my beautiful one.
It's time we leave the past.
I'm yours to keep, and you are mine.
We're finally home at last." he read aloud, I smiled and then kissed him again. Our lips moved in sync, he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss, I moaned slightly into his mouth as he slid his tongue in. Then there was a knock on the case, which was basically a knock on the door, and I groaned. He chuckled, "I'll be but a moment..." he whispered against my lips as he went to get up but I pulled him back down which made the hammock sway some more, he laughed as there was another knock on the door, and looked at me. "Darling, I've got to go see who that is..." he whispered as I gave him a pouty look, "stay here...please" I gave him the puppy dog eyes and he smiled. He placed a hand on my cheek, "you're something else..." he whispered as he placed his forehead against mine and I smiled. "I try" I giggled, he gave me another kiss and then got up to check who was at the door. "Oh...hello, Mr. L/n" Newt spoke 'it's dad...' I swallowed hard, "where's my daughter?" dad asked, "oh! She's down here helping me feed my creatures..." Newt lied as I got off the hammock, I used my wand to change my outfit, grabbed a thing of pellets for the Mooncalfs and walked over to them. I then began feeding them as dad and Newt walked up. I looked over, "hey dad...what's up?" I asked him.

"I was just...wondering where you were is all..." dad responded as he looked around, "wow...this is actually bigger than I thought..." dad spoke as I smiled, "the Mooncalfs are fed baby" I told Newt as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Aunt Y/n? Are you down there?" Katrina's voice rang out, I looked over and saw he brought the Unicorn. "Can she see the Unicorn?" I asked Newt as he grew a smile. "Of course!" he said as he rushed over to the Unicorn and let it out of its pen. I helped Katrina down, picked her up, looked at her and smiled. "Cover your eyes..." I told her, "why?" she cocked her head to the side, "I've got a surprise for you...so cover your eyes..." I told her as she giggled and then covered her eyes. I walked over to Newt and the Unicorn he was petting. I held Katrina in my arms, "hang on...it's gotta sniff you to make sure you won't hurt it..." I told her as the Unicorn sniffed my niece. It snorts and she giggled. "All right...you can open your eyes now..." I told her, she opened her eyes and she squealed. "IT'S A UNICORN!" she gleefully shouted as I giggled. She began to gently pet the Unicorn, "her name is Silver" I told Katrina, "can I ride you Silver?" she asked as Silver nodded with a snort. I set Katrina onto Silver's back, Newt walked around with Silver to make sure Katrina didn't fall off. I walked with them, "it's uncommon for Unicorns to let anyone ride them...especially a Muggle" he told me as I looked at him, "well...aren't they attracted to children who still maintain their innocence?" I asked him, "yes..." he spoke as Katrina laughed gleefully. 

After that Newt and I stayed in his case with the creatures, we were on the hammock, he was reading and I was cuddled up to him. "Ooo...I like this poem...want to hear?" he looked down at me as I looked at him and smiled, "I like listening to you talk" I told him as he smiled and kissed the top of my head. "It isn't very long...but it's nice and true..." he added as I giggled.

"Look at the beauty in her eyes,
a glow that shines like the sunrise.
Her smile opens up the cloudy skies,
her laughter delights butterflies.
The ocean greets her as she passes by.
Her gorgeous toes leave their mark, saying goodbye.

Gentle breeze through her hair,
she walks elegantly while astonished eyes all stare.
Rosy cheeks cover her face.
A flower-child blossoms, kindly accepting embrace.
She is a thorn-less rose without compare.
She is the love my heart will forever endear." he spoke softly as I blushed, "I wanna read one to you!" I smiled as I grabbed the book and flipped to a page. 'Here's one!'  I smiled as I sat up, I lay back, propping my feet up onto his lap and sighing as he chuckled. "Don't want me to see what you're reading?" he asked as I smiled and nodded.

"Before I met you,
I felt that I couldn't love anyone,
That nobody would be able to fill the void in my heart,
But that all changed when I met you.
Then I came to realize you were always on my mind.
You're funny and sweet.
You make me laugh and smile.
You take away all my anger and sadness.
You make me weak when I talk to you.
Then I started to write poems about you.
Now I have come to realize that I am hopelessly in love with you."I read to him as he smiled to hide his blush. I giggled at him as he took the book from me, "my turn..." he flipped through his book. Until he found one.

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