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He then took his jacket off, "you know the Kelpie is easier with two" Bunty spoke as Newt rolled up his sleeves, "I'll be fine," he said as he looked at the water, "...maybe you should take your shirt off" she said, I looked over at Pick who chittered at me and I snorted. "Hey...don't you two over there be talking bad about Bunty...she's helpful" Newt spoke as I looked at him, "I didn't say anything Newt" I told him as he smiled and then jumped into the water, "I'm Bunty" she held out her hand, "Y/n...I went to school with Newt, he was my only friend...other than Leta. The three of us were best friends" I told her as we shook hands, then the water raised us, which soaked us both. We walked upstairs and saw the Kelpie jump through the air with Newt on it's back. "Someone needed to let out some steam" he spoke as the Kelpie swam over to us. Bunty fed the Kelpie as Newt put some ointment on it's wound.


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"Hey...if you bite Bunty again...there'll be trouble mister," he told the Kelpie as I smiled and looked at it. "Come here Y/n..." Newt held out his hand, I placed my hand in his, and he slowly placed my hand onto the Kelpie. I pulled back a little, "it's okay Y/n...he's not going to hurt you" he spoke in a soft voice as I kneeled down beside him, I then pet the Kelpie, and it gave a snort of approval. I chuckled softly as Newt smile and watched me. Then there was a crash upstairs, "what was that?" Bunty asked as we looked at each other, "I don't know...but head home okay" he told her as Newt and I got up, "should I call the ministry?" she asked, "no...go home Bunty" he said again as the both of us walked upstairs.

We both had our wands out, we heard whispered, and we looked into the front room. Two people were there, they were trying to fix something, they stopped and looked at us. "Hey!" one of them said as he dropped the item in his hands, "Newt! Come here you!" he said as he hugged Newt, "you were supposed to be Obliviated..." Newt smiled, the three of them talked about something as I looked around the house. Pickett then chittered something at me, "Pick...you know how I feel about that..." I told him as Newt looked at me, he smiled and then returned his attention to his friends. I walked upstairs because Pick wanted to talk to me about something private and I sat in the bathroom because that was the only place I could think of. "Pick...you know how I feel towards him. But I can't be with him..." I told Pick as he continued to chatter at me, "I know...Pickett...I know you want us to be together...but he doesn't like me like that...you know this" I told him as Pickett blew a raspberry at me, I left the bathroom and walked downstairs. "Don't give me that" I told him as he crossed his tiny arms and turned away from me. "Now you know that Newt doesn't like it when you sulk" I spoke as Newt walked up, "Pick...don't sulk..." he spoke, Pickett then went over to Newt's shoulder and stood there. "Oh...hello" a woman walked up to me, "hi! I'm Y/n...Newt's friend" I gave her a smile, and she cocked her head. "You're wanting to be more than friends," she said as I blushed. "U-Uh...I'm sorry?" I cocked an eyebrow, "Queenie is a Legilimen" Newt told me with a red face, "oh...uh...well Newt, Pick. It was great to see you two again" I gave them a smile as I grabbed my jacket, I then walked out of the house. "Wait, wait Y/n!" Newt chased after me, "Newt...I don't wanna talk about it..." I looked at him.

"Y/n...I just wanna know what she meant by what she said" he spoke, "I just said I didn't want to talk about it" I sighed as I covered my face, "Y/n..." he softly spoke as he removed my hands from my face, "why don't you wanna talk about it?" he asked, "because...you're in love with Leta...there's no way you could love a Muggle-born like me..." I said as tears threatened my eyes, "Y/n..." he started, "no...just don't Newt..." I turned and disapparated. I sat on my bed and sighed. I lay back and stared at the ceiling. "Great...he knows..." I covered my face, "now he thinks of me less...I just know it. I'm always going to be that one weird, desperate friend...ugh! I just wish that I could just..." I stopped myself and then sat up. I pulled out my wand. 'I should...no...maybe I shouldn't...' I sighed once more as I stared at my wand. 'It's just one spell...I should...' I groaned as I stared at the picture of Leta, Newt and I. I smiled, 'we were such an odd trio...a Hufflepuff, a Slytherin, and a Y/H' I chuckled (your house is Y/H) I lay back once more.


"She's so odd...no wonder she doesn't have friends" I heard people whisper as I walked past them, I sighed, and walked up some stairs. I looked over at the window and saw Newt talking with Leta. They both looked at me, "Y/n? What are you doing up here?" asked Newt, "I-I come up here to think...what about you two?" I cocked my head to the side, "we're helping this raven chick" Leta responded as she held up a baby raven. I walked over and sat with them. I smiled as it looked at me, "it's adorable" I chuckled as Newt smiled, "it fell out of its nest, we're helping it..." Newt explained as he looked out the window. "So why do you come up here?" Leta asked me, "...people were talking about me..." I whispered, "I understand..." she sighed as the three of us looked out the window. "We should make a pact" I suddenly said as they looked at me, "we're all odd-balls...so let's make a pact" I smiled as they grew a smile, "to never change and always be there for each other" Leta spoke, "and to always be friends" Newt added as the three of us all shook hands.

~End of flashback~

I sighed as I curled up in bed and fell asleep.

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