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I giggled as he began to shower me with kisses. "Where's Penelope? How's Pickett...did we win?" I started asking, "easy, love, you're still recovering..." he told me as I put a hand on my throat to feel the bandaging. "Oh! Oh god! I almost died!" I looked at him as he gave a small chuckle, "yes you did..." he whispered as I looked at him and then began to examine him, "are you okay?!" I asked as he cleared his throat, "yeah...Y/n hang on...I need to talk to you about Penelope..." he stared as he clenched his jaw, "what? What's happened?" I asked him as he grabbed my hands and interlocked his fingers with mine. "Y/n...s-she's gone..." he slowly said, I felt my heart break because Penelope was my best friend other than him.

"W-What?" I felt tears threaten my eyes, "I'm so sorry Y/n

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"W-What?" I felt tears threaten my eyes, "I'm so sorry Y/n..." he whispered as he held me in his arms while I cried. I ended up falling asleep in his arms, when I woke up, it was like the first time I had stayed the night in his case, the hammock was swaying, the Mooncalfs were chirping, a blanket was over me, and the Puffskeins were trilling. I rolled over and saw he was reading a different story. I looked at the title, 'Cloaked Heart...what is with him and romance novels?' I watched as his eyes raced across the pages, he looked extremely comfortable and he chewed on his thumb was near his mouth as he read the novel. I yawned, stretched and saw that he had more romance novels sitting on a barrel that was beside the hammock. 'Lasso of Lust, Midnight Pleasure, Swipe of Love, and...what's that last one?' I squinted to see the title better, 'Trapped in Lace...where did he find these?! And why are most of them...it looks to be about sex? He gets embarrassed at me just mentioning it...' I watched him read the book he was already reading, a smile plastered across my face, his lips moved with his eyes, meaning he was silently reading the book to himself.

'Why are you so damn adorable?' I yawned while stretching again, he looked over at me, he closed his book and set it with the others. "Good morning love, how'd you sleep?" he asked wrapping  his arms around me, "I slept fine...what were you reading?" I smirked as his face went red, "n-nothing...it was nothing" he told me as I giggled, "really? Because it looked like it was Cloaked Heart...a romance novel" I told him as his face grew even redder and I laughed. "You're so adorable," I told him as he gave me a passionate kiss. "Just getting ideas..." he whispered as I laughed, "ideas for what?" I cocked my head to the side, "dates...ways to bed you...things like that. We both know I'm not very good at the dating thing Y/n..." he told me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my forehead against his. "You're doing fine Newt...you don't need any ideas for dates..." I told him, "yes...but I feel like the only time we spend together is when we're taking care of the creatures, in bed, going to America, or just sitting on the couch..." he sighed, "Newt...I don't care what we're donig...so long as I'm with you I don't mind" I kissed his nose and he smiled, "that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop reading those...some of them are actually pretty good" he told me as I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Fuck...Romance novels..." I groaned as he laughed, "you always hated romanced novels" he smiled as I giggled.

"You're not wrong" I spoke as he smiled, "you get some more sleep...you still need to recover...I'll go feed the creatures" he whispered as he got off the hammock and began to feed the creatures. I grabbed my wand, "Accio" I spoke as one of my books flew towards me from upstairs. 'Today I will finish this book' I smiled as I traced my hand over the title, "what are you reading love" Newt asked as he walked past with the Mooncalf pellets. "The Children of the Archangel" I replied as he fed the Mooncalfs. "Fantasy?" he cocked his head to the side as I began reading. I didn't answer, I was too invested in my book, and I heard him chuckle "and she's off in her own little world" he mumbled as I continued to read.

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