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~A few days later~

I walked around the house, I climbed down the stairs, I saw Newt petting a Sphinx, and he was saying something.

"Look at the beauty in her eyes,
a glow that shines like the sunrise.
Her smile opens up the cloudy skies,
her laughter delights butterflies.
The ocean greets her as she passes by.
Her gorgeous toes leave their mark, saying goodbye.

Gentle breeze through her hair,
she walks elegantly while astonished eyes all stare.
Rosy cheeks cover her face.
A flower-child blossoms, kindly accepting embrace.
She is a thorn-less rose without compare.
She is the love my heart will forever endear." he spoke to himself as I looked over and saw a book. 'To Trap a Kiss...' I examined the book, 'It's m-mostly poetry' I remembered him saying, then I remembered us laying in his hammock together reading out poems to one another. I picked up the book, flipped to a page and smiled to myself.

"When I am looking into your eyes,
I see all the love you have for me.
I see in your eyes you care for me a lot.
I see your love for me is true,
And you will do whatever it takes to have me in your life.

When I am looking into your eyes,
I see your love for me is unconditional.
Your eyes tell me you will never leave me.
You will always stay by my side
To protect and cherish me.

When I am looking into your eyes,
I see with you everything is possible.
I see in your eyes your love for me is everlasting.
Your eyes tell me you really, really love me." I read aloud as he looked at me with a small smile. "My favorite book" he whispered as I sat down on the hammock, I flipped to another page, "I never knew a Hufflepuff could have a weakness for love poems," I told him as he chuckled. "I know so many by heart..." he added as I smiled. He sat beside me.

"Your beauty is unspeakable.
Your love is inescapable.
And I have fallen deep for you.
The heavens twilight stars,
Lit up the night sky,
And I saw you through the midnight gloom.
Winters death,
Took away my breath,
And stopped the bloom of love.
But the radiance that came from you.
Reflected off the snow,
Melted away all my fears.
And dried all my tears.
Now I pray to see you again.
In the chilled wind,
I smell your perfume.
My love is only for you.
How long I've waited to see your face again.
I wish this wouldn't end...
I wish I could send,
A love letter straight to your heart.
From me to you, my love is true.
A vampire, I wait outside my tomb.
To see you again
To be in a lovers sin...
I pray unto the gods.
I pray unto it all.
So I won't fall,
Far from you...
Just please my lover take my heart..." he recited to me as I looked into his eyes, "we were more than friends weren't we?" I asked him softly, he sighed and nodded. "That's why you were so upset about the fact I don't remember..." I looked back at the book, "is..." he started as I looked at him, "is anything coming back?" he cocked his head to the side, "I remember...laying in the hammock with you as we recited poems from this book to each other..." I told him as his eye lit up a little. I stared into his eyes, searching for...something. "Can I..." I whispered as our nosed brushed against each other, "what?" he looked into my eyes, "I'm wondering if I...if I kiss you if it'll bring back some more memories..." I whispered, "it can't hurt to try..." he whispered as he closed the small gap between us with a passionate kiss. I then started to remember everything that happened. My eyes widened as I pulled him down to deepen the kiss. Our lips moved in sync as he placed his hand on my waist and pulled me onto his lap. He pulled away for air. "S-Sorry...I-I didn't mean to..." he trailed off as I stared at him. "I love you Newt Scamander..." I chuckled as he cocked his head to the side, "I remember..." I whispered as his eyes went wide and he hugged me tightly.

" I whispered as his eyes went wide and he hugged me tightly

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