1. All Beginnings Start Somewhere...

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Italic's is Cybertronian. Just a note. Also sorry for any errors you see, I will come back through the story later and fix that. Enjoy!

I stood next to the other scientists, gathering samples of the cube. Hi, my name is Everlyn, or Lily Gamberly, and I am a scientist working for Sector 7. Lily was the shortened name my friends gave me and it became my more used name. I was so astonished when I received this job, so awed by the fact that I was part of a secret organisation and I was studying alien artifacts. I heard there were other alien artifacts in this building but, as I was only a scientist for the cube, I could not see them nor study them.

I stepped away from the others of my group studying the cube, hearing....whispers in a language I couldn't understand. I ended up walking to one of the corners of the cube, the whispers getting louder and louder, some of which I could understand.

Stand.... at the fork....
Come.... take your place....
Choose.... Now and forever.....
To change....

I felt so drawn to the cube, like it was pulling me towards it as my hand slowly rose against my will.


My hand was inches away from the cube, the hand used to hold my papers as I studied the cube, so it had no protective glove. I felt so, so drawn to the cube, like it was specifically calling out to me.

...My Savior...

I touched the cube and released a small gasp, my body locked up fast, no sound escaping.

...do not show... do not fear... take my hand... I will lead you there...

My eyes closed as an entire history of an unknown alien species flew by in my mind, coming and going so quickly that there was much I didn't see. Warmth of an unknown source rushed into me so fast I felt like I was drowning in an ocean of lava.

...Peace and Happiness... in your future...
...Accept... the gift... your destiny... lays ahead...

I pulled my hand away, my eyes opening. I felt... different. The whispers were gone, the draw to the cube was gone. But the warmth lingered. I looked around to see that no one had noticed my odd actions. I quickly got control of my breathing, feeling the pure warmth continuing to run through me. What just happened?


I entered my apartment, feeling drained. I quickly put together a sandwich and ate it. I was so hungry that I was shocked when I noticed I had eaten all of my bread and sandwich meats.

I backed away from the table, breathing fearfully. What happened, how would that affect me, and.... what would happen to me if the agency I worked for discovered what happened?

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and looked up, dropping the toothbrush from my mouth and falling back with a squeal. My once brown eyes were an odd blueish purple, deep enough that it might not be noticed unless you were close.

I closed my eyes and counted to three, the whispers I heard today coming to mind...

...do not show... do not fear... take my hand... I will lead you there....

There... meaning a place? And how do I take the hand of a voice that I am no longer hearing and has no physical form, at least that I can see?

I stood up, finished getting ready for bed, and went to sleep, the warmth inside me shifting all the time made it difficult but I finally found sleep.


...take my hand... I will lead you there...

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