35. Calling

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I came to a stop outside the old garage, pulling up my holoform as I stepped out, looking sadly at the building before entering.

I was given time away from Diego Garcia to see Mikaela for the first time in six months. After contacting her, she seemed happy.

It was just unlucky enough that a little before I arrived she called and told me Sam broke up with her and that I might not want to visit now.

But I needed time away from the base, it just wasn't the same at the moment.

My mind flashed to the first memory that started a slight downhill ride....

Optimus stood in Hanger 3 as Jazz and I walked in, looking at him curiously.

He looked to be fully in leader mode.

"I called you both here today to make a change. Dustwing, how much of your powers do you now grasp?" Optimus asked me.

"Ummm... well, I can summon shields, telepathically take things without touching them, shoot.... whatever I did in the battle. I still haven't grasped that once more. My visions are still iffy but I can shock any cybertronian into stasis." I said, counting them off and thinking.

"You can fully defend yourself, against almost all targets. As such, I have decided Jazz no longer needs to be your bodyguard. His type of work is needed in the field, as the Decepticon's are illusive and Ironhide's type of approach will not help in this type of situation. Because of this, I need Jazz in the field." Optimus said.

Jazz looked a me, a slight worried feel coming across the bond.

"Of course, sir." I said, voice even and controlled.

It wasn't easy, but I still was surrounded by friends as Jazz was sent off on a plane a week later. I knew he was alright, I could faintly sense him across the distance, but could not hear his thoughts or read his emotions with the distance.

My panic attacks tried to resurface each day, and each day I fought them off with the tactics Ratchet taught me.

Then the next blow hit.

I leaned down on a knee, looking at Arcee sadly as we all stood about to say our goodbyes, the simple cybertronian rocket on the ground behind her.

She smiled at me, "Enjoy your life here, Dustwing. I am sure we will see each other again." She said, laying her servo on my own.

The Arcee triplets had taken a lot of damage in the fight at the Pyramids, deciding to take to space to search down remaining autobots and direct them to earth.

"You three be safe up there in space, alright? Collect me a sample of an asteroid while you are at it." I joked.

She laughed, patting my servo once more before loading into the rocket with her two sisters.

Then the next.

"You two are seriously going to become guardians of Leo, of all people?" I said incredulously as I stared at the twins. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on me.

"Ya, Wingster, we gonna go learn how to handle bein' around the humans." Skids said.

"And learn to keep ourselves hidden in the world cuz of us not doin' so good in that." Mudflap said.

"No doubt you two will still cause mayhem in some way." I grumbled.

"We wouldn't be the awesome twins if we didn't, right Mudflap?" Skids said with a smirk.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now