4. Mission City Battle

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I am putting this here, with the change of my cover page I still want people to get a grasp of how I picture Dustwing:

I am putting this here, with the change of my cover page I still want people to get a grasp of how I picture Dustwing:

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I have still not found the DeviantArt artist who made this magnificent art. The wings are my addition, to show you what Dustwing looked like but the rest of the art's credit goes to the DeviantArt artist who made it. Any help finding there name to give them a proper shout out would be appreciated.

I raced down the road, changing form to a blue family car, the other car was a bit too fancy for this area. I followed the Decepticon from a distance, keeping an eye on him. My radar was popping up with all sorts of energon signals, they are up to something. There are plenty of unknown alien artifacts in Sector seven's base, they could be after any number of them.

I went through my programs and activated my hologram to display a woman and her two kids, another thing I created.

The Decepticon, disguised as a police mustang, was driving carefully ahead, seeming to act normal but I kept my optic's on him, maneuvering between cars with ease, hardly even paying attention.

Fifteen years or more of being a cybertronian had made me as comfortable in this body as I was in my own. I have actually forgotten bits of what it felt like to be a human, heat or cold is no longer a problem for me. The only thing I miss is food and it's many tastes. Cybertronian's don't, exactly, get that.

But I feel.... more me, if that makes any sense at all. Before, as a human, I often felt uncomfortable, an alien to my own skin. I eventually grew used to it, my grandpa and my brother helping me look away from that feeling to act like a normal human being, saying it was natural to sometimes feel like you just didn't belong or was born in the wrong time. Now, as a Cybertronian, I feel comfortable. I find that odd, like it was planned by destiny or fate or whatever alien voice that was that spoke to me so long ago. I have grown used to the energy of the AllSpark moving through me, even figured out tiny little ways to use it, nothing big or groundbreaking though.

I sight narrowed as the police decepticon sped up. I weaved carefully and as normally through the cars as I could, putting myself three behind him.

I quickly set up a hack, opening up his comm link's to listen.

...Megatron.... Cube.... Get it! I heard over the comms, my hack not exactly the best since I made it on the fly. But.... I knew what they were after.

If I was in my other form I would probably be smirking like mad right now.

The Decepticon's were in for a big disappointment. While I was in the cave, creating my weapons, I crafted a bigger and better version of the scanner's we used on the cube in sector 7. I remember running the scan over me and then passing out for several hours after seeing the numbers.

If my calculations were correct, the original cube held 1/20 th's of its original amount. Basically the difference between a small puddle and an ocean. I was the ocean. I am sure you can understand why that made me pass out. I still wonder how in the world I am holding that much energy without imploding, especially when I was human.

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