20. Jetfire

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I mentally shook my head and listened, audio turned up.

"Oh, bollocks! Damn these worthless parts." A loud, clearly cybertronian voice said.

I spun my wheels in that direction, Jazz behind me as we race off towards the sound, Bumblebee and the twins in front of us.

"ltchy, wretched rust in my arse! Ah!" The voice groaned, sounding like some grumpy old grandpa. I was confused by that, can a Cybertronian grow old? There is much about Cybertronians I do not know, I now realized. The image of an old transformer scratching his ass was amusing to me and I had to fight to keep from laughing.

We rounded the corner of the building, seeing a large, even larger than Starscream, flyer transformer walking on a cane through the planes. He had a curved back, hobbled like an old man and rust was falling off of him every step.

Geez, is that what I will be like when I am old?! Can I even grow old, that's the question.

I spotted the human's running after the old grandpa, who was breaking planes and basically making a mess. Well, my stealth tech can't cover that, someone will know we were here, obviously.

"Right. I'm on a mission." He said, slamming his fist on the wing of a plane and breaking it off. I focused and felt out with the energy of the AllSpark. Jetfire, definitely fits him.

Sam and the other continued to shoot after him, craning their neck to look at the massive mech. He was even bigger than Megatron or Optimus. Geez, how big can cybertronians get?

"What do you want?" Jetfire grumbled like a true old man, leaning down towards the human's on his crane as we came to stop behind them.

"Look, we just want to talk!" Sam yelled, trying to keep the giant's attention. Suddenly the world became slightly fuzzy and I felt.... off, like some warning bells were being rung in my mind. An emotion, worry, came though and seriously confused me, leaving me disoriented. I don't think that emotion was mine, was it?

I turned off my vision, routing through my mind to try to figure out what in the world that was, what had just happened, when the conversation outside my mind drew my attention.

"Well, I changed sides to the Autobots." I heard suddenly from Jetfire as I tuned back into the conversation, turning my vision back on as I pushed the odd phenomena to the back of my mind.

"What do you mean, change sides?" Sam asked him.

"It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate?" Jetfire said.

Smart choice, big guy, I know I would hate such a life. I thought, surprised to learn that Autobots and Decepticons actually switched sides in this war.

So far as I knew, none of the Autobots at Diego Garcia had ever been once a Decepticon, but it did make me curious.

"You mean you don't have to work for those miserable freaking Decepticons?" Wheelie asked in awe, looking up at the giant bot.

"If Decepticons had their way, they'd destroy the whole universe." Jetfire said in annoyance, like an old grandpa complaining about the new generation.

"I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, too, warrior goddesses. Who's your little Autobot?" Wheelie said desperatly suddenly, attacking Mikaela's foot and... humping it?


I smirked as Jazz drove in front of my vision, thankfully preventing me from such 'treatment' from the gross minibot by blocking Wheelie's vision of me.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now