31. Forever, love

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I sighed, still feeling tremors in my servos when Jazz goes away from my sight. I had not told Jazz what was happening but he seemed happier, seeing me slowly returning to myself.

I don't know how I would have done it without Ratchet's help. Surprisingly for the usually impatient and ill tempered bot, he was patient with this.

"Remember, deep breaths, Dustwing. Count the number of pieces on the table, study the scrapes and dings in the concrete floor. Take your mind off of the problem." Ratchet's words echoed in my mind.

It was working at least.

Jazz surprised me and nearly made me cry when he said we were hopping on a plane for Nevada in a few hours, having gotten approval for us to be away for a week, which was listed to NEST as a mission of patrolling the last sighting of a Decepticon, which isn't true.

Even Lennox knew that, but he also knew I needed to do something important.

I once my servo's trembling slowed, I stood and picked up the large blueprints. Through the process of helping me control my panic attacks, Ratchet and I sketched out new blueprints, Ratchet knowing the medical side while I knew the engineering side and how flight worked. So far there was a large part of Jetfire's parts that would remain unused in this project and Ratchet agreed with me that it was Jetfire's last wish, so we should use it all.

I remember smirking at Ratchet before pulling up my list of prototype guns and weapons, about a hundred Ratchet had never seen.

Ratchet, knowing Optimus more than I, helped me sort through for possible choices.

I picked up the blueprint for Optimus's wing suit, one which was written in cybertronian and only visible under special lighting, just for safety precautions. I dropped it over the light, arranging a few of the newly molded pieces and nodding, pulling out my specific tools to begin connecting the pieces.

Ratchet and I decided that piecing it together by each individual piece before connecting the whole thing was smart.

Especially since I couldn't carry the whole thing.

Which is why I was glad I had Ratchet's help, he was much better with welds than I.

I flicked down my battle helm to protect my optics, humming as I leaned in, turning on the welder and getting to work.

Yes, even cybertronians can destroy their optics staring at bright objects. I discovered that is partial of the reason Jazz wears his visor. I mean, it makes since.

I turned up the radio, singing along to my 'Scream Music' as Jazz and Ratchet so eloquently labeled it.

I leaned in closer, studying the weld before deciding the more delicate welds would be better done by Ratchet.

I heard chuckling, which made me jump and drop the tools on the table, cautiously lifting part of my battle mask with a servo, staring at Jazz who was laughing, looking amused by my shocked expression.

"Why am Ah not surprised yer workin' down till the last minute of when we are gonna leave." Jazz said, smirking as I fully lifted my battle mask.

"This is the largest project I have undertaken since I was creating my first guns in that cave." I said, wincing as I remember my many failures. Some of which still have left reminders on my frame. 

"An' Ah am sure Optimus can wait, Dustwing, plane is waitin' on us. Come on." Jazz said, holding out a servo.

I smiled and took it, leaning in to kiss him. I don't think I will ever have enough of kissing him.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now