36. Change

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I stared at the rocky roof, no music, no Tv, just blankly stared at the roof, lost in thought.

Three years, three years of work, of hanging out with Mikaela, of spending every ounce of time I could with Jazz.

Three years, of change.

I knew life would change, just as everyone's life changes. But mine has become..... depressing of late.

After I visited Mikaela the first time I was given permission to fly the skies to Tranquility, Nevada as long as I used my stealth tech that hid me in the skies from civilians. I was very happy about this because it gave a bit of a freedom feel.

Diego Garcia was starting to feel more like a prison then a home. Without the bots I had grown close to roaming the hangers... Well, things got rough. So I spent a lot of time with Mikaela, whom introduced me to her dad as Misty. I told her it sounded more feminine then Dusty, which sounded like a guy's name. She agreed and we have become very close friends over the last three years.

She became aware of my panic attacks after I watched Jazz die and how rough it was on me, Jazz being away from base for such long periods.

It is quite an odd way she discovered.

I returned to base, transforming and dropping onto the concrete, smiling at passing humans. They looked at me warily, which was new. Some even smiled back nervously.

Did something happen?

I walked though the hanger, looking for Ironhide or Ratchet, frowning when I didn't see them and decided to ping them on comms.

"Yo, Ratchet? Where are you? I'm back from Mikaela's and I notice the base seems oddly empty. Didn't even find Ironhide in the training room." I said over comms in confusion.

"....Oh, Dustwing. Everything is fine, I am giving Ironhide a check up because he went and hit himself in the helm with one of his guns." Ratchet said.

To the outsider, his voice would sound completely normal.

But I learned a bit too much from Jazz on reading voices.

"Shit, shit, shit...." I heard in the background, the voice low and static across the line, I couldn't determine who's it was.

I frowned, "Ratchet, I think you need to step up your ability of lying. What is really happening?" I asked, feeling my frustration rise.

Suddenly, I got a ping from another comm and answered it curiously.

"Hey, Dustwing." Jazz said brightly.

Too brightly.

"Jazz." I said in a monotone voice.

"Ya, uh, maybe it's better Ah just tell ya over comms...." He said, a nervous chuckle escaping him.

"Jazz, what is happening?" I asked, my voice turning stern and a little angry.

"Uhhh.... well, Ah got inta a bit of a fight and uh... well, kinda ended up with some injuries before backup could make it." I froze, my breath speeding as I began running towards the medical hanger, dodging around humans.

"Don' worry though! Ah am fine, Ratchet patched me up and Ah should be good in a few days." Jazz said quickly.

"There is something else you are not telling me." I growled across the line, "Otherwise you would have told me this across our bond and not on comms." I said.

He coughed nervously, "Well... let's just say Ah might be walking around without an arm fer a bit...." He said slowly.

I froze in place, humans putting distance between me and them.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now