10. Shanghai

914 24 1

I stared at the screen, feeling sad and cold as I stared at Facebook.

Amber Bess-Gamberly wrote a message, after so long of not writing anything.

Anthony Gamberly, my beloved husband, father of my children, and grandfather to my grand-kid's, passed away early this morning to his cancer. He fought well to the end and I will miss him dearly. A ceremony will be help by me and my daughter's at Mission City Cemetery, where he will be buried next to his mother, father, and sister.

I placed a servo over my face, closing my optic's tight as I closed my computer.

Two years, two years among the autobots. Two years and it finally happens, breaking my promise that I would be there when he passed.

The Gamberly name now end's with me, as his daughter's were married and we had little other family, all of them with different names. Grandpa always said the Gamberly name will never end.

I took a deep breath, glad I took the day away from training to focus on my new blueprints. Doesn't look like I will be getting much done today.

This is one of those times I hated my change to a cybertronian, where I am faced with the fact that I will far outlive everyone I knew in my human life. I didn't get the chance to grow old, have grandkid's of my own and watch my brother laugh with me as we enjoyed the presence of family.

I couldn't even cry for my brother.

I ended up curled up in a corner, running my digit's over the eagle I have kept all this time. My mother's necklace, which I had to steal from auction a few years ago, was held in my subspace. The necklace was a gift my father worked painstakingly for to give to my mother, made of real turquoise and a priceless necklace on today's market. I will never give it up. I coated it and the eagle in a substance to prevent them from eroding with time. I remember playing with this eagle with my brother, both of us pretending to be jet's chasing down enemy flyers.

I closed my optic's lowering my head, my servo's falling. I sighed.

"Enjoy wherever you go after life, Anthony." I said sadly as I put the eagle away, staring up at the ceiling.

That is how Jazz found me hours later after I fell into recharge.

"Dustwing, yo, Dustwing, wake up." I heard making me grumble and look up to find Jazz staring at me worriedly.

I stared dully at Jazz.

"What?" I asked, a bit more of a bite to my voice than I intended, making me wince slightly.

"Ah was worried you accidentally knocked yerself out with one of yer inventions, you have been known ta cause injury ta yerself before while doing that." Jazz said, holding out a servo to help me up.

I took it standing, shaking my head.

"I'm fine, Jazz, don't worry." I said, moving to my table and pulling out one of my inventions, not really having enough energy to act like I am fine, but I tried a little at least while I worked on pulling the prototype apart and find the issue.

Jazz just sat nearby, not pushing for answers and not even bothered when I turned on my heavy metal music.

I was grateful for his presence.


Ya, it's been two years and a lot has happened. Ironhide has trained me enough that I am pretty decent with larger, longer distance firing guns. Jazz and I can make our training sessions last for a longer time now, but I still haven't ever beat him. I have learned a lot from him though and applied it to missions, never failing in a real fight against decepticons.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now