5. Diego Garcia

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My systems came back on at a slow pace, I kind of didn't want to wake up. I felt no pain though, I noticed. Maybe the nice Autobot medic fixed me up? I wasn't too sure, my systems were extremely groggy coming back online. Even though I had no pain my sensors told me that a few of my gadgets, including my holotech and my battle mask, were still broken. I was also still missing a wing, but I felt no pain. I wish I knew what the medic used, would have been useful the many times in the past that I had to patch myself up without my pain receptors dampened.

Finally my optics came online and I began to look around the room...

Obviously a military base or a pristine warehouse, the walls were white metal and clean, beams holding up the tall ceiling, tall enough for most cybertronians. I looked to the side to see a cloth and a ton of tools, all clean as well. On a big monitor, at least in human terms, were scans.

I realized these were scans of me.

I was fascinated, studying the bright colors that symbolized who knew what. I could see a lot red spots, places where I had gotten damaged in the battle. I also noticed my wing that I thought I had lost was laid out on a table, wires sticking out at all angles and bent metal. Ow, okay that is going to take some work to fix, I am glad they found it though.

I did notice as well that my damaged optic from the battle was also repaired, I could see through it again. This Ratchet medic is good at his job. I wouldn't have been able to even figure out how to fix my optic.

I looked up as the giant metal door opened to reveal Ratchet. He looked up from a data pad in his hands and blinked in shock to see me awake.

"Oh, I thought your self induced stasis would last longer." He said in shock before shaking his hand and setting the data pad down, "How to you feel? There were some parts I was unable to repair, your wing included. I do not know how you made such small mechanisms." He said, checking the screen before looking at the injuries he repaired.

"A bit off, I thought I would feel pain from my missing wing but I don't. How did you do that?" I questioned.

"Well it's a simple process Miss uh...." He looked at me.

"My name's Dustwing." I said.

He nodded.

"Dustwing, really the pain receptors are easier to turn off when you have the right equipment." He said before stepping back.

"You should be okay to get up and walk, but be careful, you will be off balance with your missing wing." He said.

I sat up, feeling more weight on the right then the left. I tilted my frame more to the left before placing my pede's on the floor. I felt very off balance and made me a bit annoyed at myself.

"First thing I'm gonna fix is that damn wing..." I muttered under my breath, my accent coming through in my annoyance.

See, while my family and I lived a lot of our years in and around Mission City, we were originally from Texas. My mother had the accent, my brother did as well, but mine didn't show unless I was angry or frustrated in some way.

I reached up, making Ratchet question what I was doing but I grabbed the wing and flipped it over the other shoulder to stabilize myself a bit.

"Well, that is one way to do it." Ratchet said.

"Dustwing, how did you get to Earth? There are no records of an autobot by the name of Dustwing." He said, eyeing me from over his data pad.

I shrugged my shoulders sheepishly.

"Because I am technically not an Autobot. But I ain't no Decepticon either! No, it's... uh... a bit of a long story and I only want you Autobot's to know it, no human's." I said.

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