43. Odd

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I sighed, opening my optics slightly to see Jazz leaning over me, optics watching me with a soft love in them.

"You know that creeps me out." I grumbled, tossing an arm over my optics and closing them once more, kind of wishing to fall back into recharge. I had nothing but pleasant dreams, the first pleasant dreams in months.

But I wasn't letting Jazz know that.

It wasn't hard to focus entirely on the happiness and joy I felt in his presence, so keeping my depression a secret wasn't difficult.

I relaxed, nearly falling back into recharge, doing my best to ignore Jazz's optics on me.

"Stop it." I grumbled tiredly.

He chuckled.

"Ah think it's fun ta annoy ya, though." He said in amusement.

I huffed in annoyance.

"Because of my reaction?" I asked, pretending to be annoyed. I wasn't going to tell him that his sometimes childish actions made me feel like a giggling teenager and love him all the more.

"Partially..." He said softly, making my arm over my optics twitch.

"Oh no, Primus, how could I have known I would choose a Sparkmate who loves to annoy me!" I said dramatically, tossing my arm off my optics and smirking at Jazz.

"Har Har." Jazz said in amusement, optics bright with happiness.

I smiled at him, enjoying the joy curling through me.

I sat up, brushing off rocks from the floor that stuck to my armor as I moved away, tidying up my hideout for something to due before I get distracted kissing him.

"How is Mikaela?" He asked, still laying out on the floor, watching me move around in amusement.

"Good, I left before their dinner. Things with her job are going well, Danny even seems happier to be out of the main business of NEST." I said, quickly and silently picking up and stuffing the charred remains of the project I destroyed with my shocking ability. Didn't want Jazz to see that, or question it.

Silence fell for a while, making me curious but I continued to move about, cleaning up my mess from working on my projects.

"Dustwing, there is something Ah need ta ask ya and, please, be honest with me." Jazz said seriously out of no where, making me stiffen slightly before relaxing to hide my nervousness. Jazz rarely used his 'TIC voice', as I called it, on me.

He must have heard something, I lightly blocked the bond, a method I learned from Jazz that hides my thoughts, but not my emotions. I use this often and Jazz hardly ever realizes I am doing it.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice calm and cool as I turned to look at him questioningly.

He stared at me for a second, like he was trying to read the answer he wanted from my face. I kept up an innocent, confused look, not even my emotions giving anything away. I learned way too well from Jazz on hiding one's true feelings.

"Why did ya end up beatin' the scrap out of the twins?" He asked.

I relaxed minutely, this one I could be truthful about. I shrugged, "Maybe my temper I once told you about came out, I don't really know. They did pour a bucket of sticky slime on my helm, took me hours to get it off because the stuff was like glue. But... I don't know, Jazz. I really haven't had such a situation happen since I became a cybertronian, maybe my temper has been there all along." I said honestly.

Jazz watched me closely.

"What about ya growlin' at anyone who gets too close to ya?" He said, optics narrowing.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now