6. Awkward

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Let just say, here and now, that if I was human I would have been ten different shades of embarrassed red.

As it were, sadly Cybertronian's have a show of their embarrassment. They warm up and their cooling fan's turn on. Sadly, I am experiencing that right now as I drive away from Ratchet for a moment alone.

Did Ratchet seriously have to suggest such a cover up? I mean, really, in human term's a Sparkmate is a permanent marriage! Doesn't he see how embarrassing that is? I don't even know Jazz beyond having saved him and just learned his name! And the... other parts he told me so that I understood what a Sparkmate was would have literally made me want to cover my ears and sing out random songs if I was a human. 

So, I just needed a minute to myself, sort it all out in my mind. Sadly, as embarrassing as this is, and clearly Jazz thought so too, it was for my own protection. Ratchet told me the myth of The Savior of The AllSpark and my was awed by it.

The Savior of The AllSpark was someone who would be given the power of the AllSpark, and if they chose to follow their trial the AllSpark would accept them. Ratchet pointed out the markings on my arm, which I thought were normal, but he said they say 'Savior of The AllSpark' and would light up a faint blueish purple, much like my optics. But The Savior of The AllSpark would be chosen in a time of need and have a pure heart, which I don't think I have, I was once human and we human's are prone to mistakes.

But, with my powers I would restore a planet from it's dying breath.

That was a terrifying thought. I couldn't even figure out how to repair small wounds on other cybertronians, much less a planet four times the size of earth.

I stopped on a beach of this island, transforming and doing by best not to topple again due to the unbalanced weight.

"Ah guess Ratchet told ya?" I heard.

I turned to see Jazz standing there, looking as awkward about this as me.

"Yes, he did. I do not particularly like his plan." I said.

"Same." He sighed.

I looked at him as he came to stand beside me.

"How about this, we ignore that and just be friends? Wouldn't that be simpler? Let others think we are.... that and we can just be friends." I said.

He looked at me out of the edge of his newly repaired visor, sadly my powers don't work on cosmetics, before nodding.

"Ah can work with tha'." He said, holding out a servo, "Hello, ah am the Autobot saboteur an' TIC, designation Jazz." He said, smirking.

I laughed, shaking his servo, "Hello, Jazz, I am Dustwing, formerly human, The Savior of The AllSpark, apparently." I said.

We both laughed and just talked for a while, me telling him about some of the Decepticon's I have fought and him telling me about some moves he would like to teach me for combat against larger targets.

Yes, I think we can become good friends.


We both walked back into the base a bit later, me still walking funny due to my wing but I am stumbling less. I saw Optimus speaking with a human on a tall metal podium that allowed him to reach Optimus's height. This base was really well thought out for both cybertronians and humans.

The human nodded to Optimus and looked at us before beginning to climb down the podium.

I growled and tossed my wing over my shoulder again, feeling pain in my hips at supporting myself in such an awkward way.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now