14. Play Fight

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I sat with a sword in my hands, sharpening and then testing the metal on old junk laying around us.

We were in a junkyard in a little ghost town not far from the city Sam is going to college in. I didn't know who this Sam guy was, Jazz had to explain that Sam's great grandfather had found Megatron crash landed on earth and coordinates to the AllSpark had been imprinted on his great grandfather's glasses.

I didn't much like the description of Sam Witwicky, sounds like he is a bit too off and extremely talkitive for me to get along with.

However, Jazz's description of his girlfriend made me laugh at how crazy it is that an odd nerd and a badass, law breaking female got together.

It's like something straight out of the movies, just reversed.

Because of us being so far from the public eye, we were all transformed and enjoying a bit of time to stretch and get rid of pains in our frame from being stuck in an alt mode for days on end. We had grown too used to Diego Garcia.

I had taken time to sharpen and test my blades to release some tension. We had been in the junk yard for over a week now and I have spent the majority of that time working on the holoform card. After the amount of times it has blown up in my face or never worked, I decided I needed to take a step back to think of it, there had to be a way I wasn't seeing this close. I had to back up and see from a distance what I was missing.

I sliced my sword straight through a rusted old dilapidated fridge like butter and nodded happily.

I looked up at spotted the twins. To keep themselves busy over the last week they had decided to challenge each other to make the best house out of the giant junk piles around us. So far Mudflap looked to be winning as he had crushed a few trash can lids into the shape of a giant flower out the front of his cave in the pile of junk. Skids was struggling to support the interior of his cave as he made it too big.

I shook my head at those two and looked at Jazz. I frowned as I found him ignoring the odd punching bag he had made out of the chassis of a rusted car tied to a beam over two giant piles. The punching bag of his sat untouched, only swinging sightly in the wind rushing through the broken windows.

I spotted him laid out over a lower pile of junk, lightly tossing a catching a cylinder of rusted metal to somewhat entertain himself. He was the definition of bored.

I tend to forget Jazz is not used to a ton of downtime.

I studied him for a second and smirked. The pile of junk he was laying on faced towards me and Jazz was looking straight up.

If I was quiet and careful....

I Put my sword back in it's holder before taking slow and careful steps across the dirt, making sure not to step on anything. I knew Jazz's audio receptors were good, so I even tried to take light steps so the gravel and sand under my pedes didn't crunch.

I saw the twins freeze in the middle of a fight over a car hood to turn into a porch. I raised my servo to my face, holding a digit over my mouth. They smirked and went back to fighting, but watched me closely.

I crouched lower to the ground, my wings making my balance impeccable compared to most as I silently stepped closer and closer to Jazz.

He continued to throw the giant can of whatever it is, seeming to just not be paying attention. I stopped, lightly placing a servo on the ground as I couched, tensed.

I smirked, seeing Jazz was still unaware before I pushed off with my servo and jumped up off my pedes, tackling Jazz off of the pile of junk and tumbling down the other side.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now