13. Stars Far Away

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Jazz and I had a pile of metal dropped in front of us and I grimaced at the mess of rust and other things covering the metal.

I often wondered if some of my human instincts and actions transferred to my life as a Cybertronian because I absolutely could not handle metal covered in gross stuff. I eat it and I puke and, trust me, Cybertronian puke ain't any better than human puke. 

I pulled a cloth from my subspace and began cleaning a piece of metal as best I could. I grimace when not much came off. Jazz smiled sadly in apology as I forced myself to eat it, trying not to think of how gross it is, even if the gross stuff won't affect me, my frame will transform the metal into energon and give me a boost, but doesn't mean I like it.

Luckily the members of NEST, and Ratchet, got tired of robot puke all over the place and made a machine to clean the metal shipped to Diego Garcia.

I miss that machine.

Soon me and Jazz had enough energy to last a few more hours and transformed, taking off towards Sam's college that Optimus apparently gave Jazz coordinates to.

Along the way, Jazz and I found different alt forms to stay under cover.

I found a Rocket Bunny Toyota 86 with a sky blue wrap. While not exactly the best blending in car, it stood out less compared to my matte purple and black expensive car.

Jazz ended up finding a new alt form a bit down the road, a white Nissan 350Z. I was so sad to see his Ferrari alt form gone but I hoped to one day see that alt form again. I pushed thoughts of that alt form away, knowing if I was human I would be blushing as red as a tomato in embarrassment of my thoughts.

 I pushed thoughts of that alt form away, knowing if I was human I would be blushing as red as a tomato in embarrassment of my thoughts

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(Just to help you imagine their temporary alt modes

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(Just to help you imagine their temporary alt modes. Top one is Dustwing, Bottom one is Jazz. Again, I do not own these pictures and am only using them for reference.)

Skids and Mudflap even changed their colors, but that is all they did, not a lot of cars fit their forms and we don't have time to track down some mini's.

We drove down back roads and way over the speed limit, Jazz at the front and the twins behind me. I didn't have a problem driving behind Jazz because, with no one being able to see my optics I was free to admire Jazz. He could be in any alt form and still be very attractive.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now