44. Don't Taunt Ratchet

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A giddy excitement continued to rise in me as I spun to a stop in front of the base, having just gone through the check in area and dealt with the guards who jumped in fear at the sight of me, making humans jump and stare at me in fear and shock, some jeeps and trucks moving in and out stopped as well, staring out the window's in shock at me.

They are not used to me being so happy. They are used to seeing a sulking, grumpy, and interring femme.

I transformed, brilliant grin on my face that was not fading anytime soon.

Not even those that fear me can hurt my mood today. Finally, those I consider family are all here, all together, and I can see those that actually know me, not fear me.

I was getting tired of seeing nothing but fear on both Autobot's and human's faces.

I practically skipped into the base, wings swinging wildly behind me due to my skip in my step. I busted out laughing as a human dropped the box he was holding, eyes about to fall out of their sockets as they saw me, not even realizing he dropped the box he was carrying.

I came to a stop, searching the long, tall and clean building, the clutter of planes and many other objects making it hard to spot even autobots in the room. I finally spotted Jazz talking with four familiar bots. I grinned and carefully raced forward, dodging frozen humans and objects littering the long building. I just ignored the new bots standing in corners, talking to humans on the railing of the building, both who were also frozen, staring at me in shock.

I skidded to a stop by Jazz, still grinning as I stumbled slightly at coming to such a quick stop.

"Woah! Don' fall there, Dustwing." Jazz said in shock, reaching for my arm as my wing smacked his arm from my quick stop.

"Sorry." I said doing my best to contain my excitement. I took a breath to calm myself, still excited to see my friends.

"What has you in such a good mood?" Ironhide grumbled, typical Ironhide glare and grumble in place. What many don't know is he really is a teddy bear, he just doesn't let others know that. I will never forget that day, seven months ago, when we were training and I ended up getting a few injuries from tumbling across the floor because of some human leaving their gun on the floor from previous training session. I seem to have ban luck with human's leaving things on the floor, because this wasn't the first time. I found it so funny, how Ironhide fretted over me like a mother hen, until he spotted me smirking and immediately transformed back into typical Ironhide, telling me to go see Ratchet.

I still will never forget that, seeing Ironhide so different from usual.

"Wellll.... it could be that Jazz returned to base after four months, it also could be that you three returned as well." I said, looking at Ironhide, Sideswipe, and Mirage. Ironhide's lips twitched before his expression became bored once more. Sideswipe smirked and held out a fist, which I bumped, a habit of greeting he picked up from Epps. Mirage just looked on calmly, but seemed to be happy.

"Glad to see you in a better mood than when we met, Dustwing." Mirage said nicely.

I froze slightly, Jazz turning his head to look at me, his optics narrowing slightly. I just grinned more, making him roll his optics.

"Please keep your optic goggling to a minimum, I would like to keep my disgust to a minimum," Ironhide grumbled, making me mockingly glare at him.

"Aw, 'Hide, do you get grossed out at public displays of affection? And here I was, thinking you were stronger than that." I said in a teasing way.

He glared at me, making me laugh. Humans jumped and backed away, staring at me in shock once more. I caught Jazz looking at a few of them in confusion, making me wince slightly.

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