17. Disgusting

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I gasped quietly, quickly sitting up on the wall as I pulled myself from the horrible dream....

"Why, Lily, why did you not say goodbye? Why were you not there? Why didn't you return to us?" familiar voices mocked all around me from the darkness as I tried to reach out to them only for their shadowed images to disappear.

I shook my helm to rid myself of the dream, shading my optics with a servo to look at the just touching the horizon sun. I looked at Jazz and was surprised my waking up didn't wake him up before I realized his arm hardly moved due to my action. I was also surprised that, after hours of remaining in contact with his arm, I still felt the electric tingles.

The dream poked at the back of my mind, demanding my attention.

Distraction. I need a distraction.

I pulled a new chip out of my subspace and studied it, deciding this would be distracting enough. I focused intently on the power problem when an idea came to me and I turned my tools on low, looking at the sleeping humans and recharging autobots.

I probably spents an hour or more setting up the connections before I pull down my tools, studying the card and taking a deep breath, checking the area one more time before shocking the card.

I watched the card turn on, waiting for it to explode or just not stay on. Three minutes passed and it was still running. I blinked in confusion before a generic human holoform was formed. I reached out a touched it.

I jumped off the wall and squealed in success as I danced in place like a child that just received a gift.

I accidentally woke everyone up, Jazz the most hilarious due to him falling off the wall and catching himself, looking around frantically.

"Woah! Who is that!" Sam yelled, pointing to the floating holoform.

"No one! It's a holoform! I got it to work! Finally!" I said excitedly, turning it off and opening the slot on my arm and installing before closing it and transforming down into my sky blue car form. I searched through the list an activated it.

Instantly I became quite disoriented and stumbled out of the open door of my alt form before falling on the ground, still laughing.

"Woah, am I dizzy, maybe it still needs some work?" I considered, my voice coming from the holoform making the humans and Bumblebee jump. Jazz and everyone from Diego Garcia was used to me pulling off crazy tech.

I shook my head and saw a strand of purple hair and heal it up in confusion.

"You look freaky, if you were looking to blend in more your bright hair and clothes are not going to help." Leo said, well, more stuttered. I think I shocked the guy into another panic attack.

I looked down at the clothes and frowned at the vibrant colors and closed my.... eyes? This is weird to feel.... human again, yet not human. I searched through the card for the features I installed and found an old picture of me, adjusting it and adding color to prevent me from looking the same as my old self.

I blinked open my eyes as the changes took affect. I kept my fizzy hair, curly hair but changed the original color more orange instead of my vibrant red. I made my face a bit more chubby and made myself a bit shorter and more on the slim side.

"Better?" I asked.

"Uhhh.... I guess, hippie look isn't uncommon anymore." Sam said, also staring at my holoform in shock.

"I think you look awesome." Mikaela said, walking up holding out a hand, grinning. I grinned and properly shook her hand, even as weird as this feels, feeling two different forms. This holoform and my true form.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now