22. My Luck

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As we drove down old desert roads, I was lost in thought.

I had just admitted to myself that I loved Jazz, it was no longer a simple crush. His pure, caring personality and selfless, protective nature had drawn me from the beginning, before I was even aware of what my slowly developing feelings were.

Jazz had been there through everything of the last two years, right beside me, a calming presence, not questioning if I was down. Like my brother's death, Jazz was just there for me. He doesn't question unless he feels the need to and understands when things get overwhelming for me in large crowds of Autobots and humans, just sitting or standing as a quiet presence nearby, one I never knew I needed.

I love Jazz and I have fallen in too deep to pull back, even if I wanted to. I will tell Jazz of what is happening when we are next alone, let him know of the new problem I face. Even if he can't help, his strong presence will lend me strength. He sees determination and strength in me, maybe I should see it in myself.

For him, I will try.

The local comlink pinged, I opened it and listened in as the human's talked.

"Okay, here's what my CIA contact says. Ancient Sumerians used to call the Gulf of Aqaba the 'Dagger's Tip.'" Simmons said.

"That's the Dagger's Tip." Sam confirmed.

"It's part of the Red Sea. Divides Egypt and Jordan like the tip of a blade. 29.5 degrees north, 35 east. Here it is." Simmons said.

Why are so many Cybertronian relics in the desert of Africa? Through the cave of my rebirth was on the whole other side of the continent, west of us. I wonder if the same crybertronians that once walked this same portion of the desert were the same ones who redesigned said cave. It left me speculating.

"First thing we've got to do is get Optimus to the Dagger's Tip." Sam said.

I began calculating ideas, trying to come up with a way to get Optimus's frame so far.

"How are you gonna get him halfway around the world?" Simmons questioned, probably trying to figure it out like me.

"I'm gonna make a call." Sam said, sounding as though he had a great idea. The kid seems full of great ideas, I can see why Optimus did all he could to protect him. Let's hope his unique ideas pull us through this dangerous time.

I tilted my mirrors, studying the cops racing behind us as I pulsed my stealth tech, cutting off the communications of long distance in their vehicles, covering our tracks for a time.

"We got cops... Whoa!" Sam said in worry.

"Killed their long range communications, no worry there but we need to get away." I said.

Simmons said, "I know, I know..."

"Thanks, Dustwing." Mikaela said.

"I can't go to prison, guys." Leo practically whimpered. Here I was thinking the kid had improved, clearly he still wasn't the strongest person out there.

"Sam, we got to get off this road and lay low." Simmons said as Bumblebee turned down a smaller dirt road in a town, us right behind him.

I spotted a tall villa, good as we can get with a hiding place.

"There." I said over comms, Bee buzzing in reply before we all drove quickly into the tall villa. It was quite open, enough for humans to hide but not us.

I transformed, looking behind us causiously and then up at the walls.

"We gotta climb." Jazz said, the twins grumbling but Bee buzzed in agreement before he quickly and nimbly climbed the wall.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now