2. The Heat of The Desert

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I trudged along with the group heading out into the desert. I said I was a scientist coming to study the cave, it wasn't completely wrong to be honest. This group was planning to visit the village nearby for food and water on their trek. I wore desert clothes, having dumped a ton of my things so I could hold it all in one backpack. I kept my mothers necklace that she got from my father and my grandfather's eagle though. The eagle didn't leave me room for much but I managed.

The cube's energy had really changed me. Soon I could hear farther, smell more, and see better than I ever have. I dropped my glasses long before this trek.

The more horrifying parts was how... abnormal I was now. I could eat but I no longer felt hungry. I didn't need to drink, I didn't sweat. It was creeping me out. Especially the fact that any metal anyone was carrying looks appetizing now.

We were starting the last day of our walk to the village. The dye in my hair, the fact that I let it down, my eyes, and the desert clothes I was wearing made me nearly unrecognizable. I was going by the name Viz instead of Everlyn or Lily, more than a month had passed so I knew that Sector 7 might be looking for me. I hope they found my fake trail.

The oddest thing about the cube's energy is how I could sense odd things. I looked at a car in Madrid, Spain and swore I could feel a duller and less moving energy from it that matched the energy I now carried. That feeling has happened more than a few times during my trip down Spain.

Below where we walked over desert dunes, I could sense odd metal radiating a very tiny amount of energy, old and weakened as it was. It didn't know what to make of it.

I heard the leader call out to us in another language.

"He say we are nearing the village." Said the man next to me, who knew only a little English. I wish I had learned more languages in college now.

I looked ahead, shielding my eyes as I spotted the mirage of a village. I was close, to either finishing my quest or ending it.


In the village I was given food and water, even if I didn't need it I took it anyways, then I began to ask around for anyone who knew English. I could see that this was going to be hard, it is an old village and there are not many who speak English. I kept searching though.

"Miss, do you speak English?" I asked a lady nicely and she just shook her head and said.

"No English!" She said, walking away.

I sighed, pulling out my map and studying the marks I had made on it what felt like so long ago. They were faded and the map was worn from being opened and closed so much, and the affect of the climates I had taken it through.

"You English woman." I heard a young voice say. I looked up and saw the exact boy from my dreams.

I sighed in relief, "Yes, yes, I am! Can you tell me the way to the Ghost Caves?" I asked him, handing him some bread. He smiled.

"To the south! Over the river, edge of sand and trees." He said.

"Thank you so much!" I said, standing and gathering my things. I pulled out the compass I purchased in Seville, Spain and pointed it south before making my way out of the little village.

"To the south.... Over the river.... edge of sand and trees...." I kept muttering as I followed his instructions.

It was a long walk but luckily I don't really sweat as much anymore, or unluckily, whichever way you look at it. I could sense a large pile of that metal somewhere nearby, I just couldn't tell you where. I crossed the low river and continued south, looking up in hopes of direction. Hours passed and the sun was getting low and still I had not found anything.

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