40. Boston

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I pulled out of one of the exits of my hideout, watching the wall close seamlessly behind me as I mentally smirked.

No one is ever going to find my hideout.

I drove through Washington DC, lights dim on the dark streets, cars driving by at slow paces as I was on the edge of the city.

I drove out and down roads to put myself far from human view, the landscape turning dark to humans, but to me I could still see perfectly.

I pulled off down a dirt road, before speeding up, gunning my engine and jumping my tires off of the ground slightly, transforming and blasting off and up into the sky in my jet form.

My engine was so silent now that, even in the quiet of the night, it was nothing but a faint buzz. I turned on my stealth tech, turning my underbelly invisible to everyone below, making my frame invisible in the sky. I blasted off to the north east, flying over city lights and dark crashing waves in a direct line to Boston, being sure to check plane flight paths so I didn't startle some poor pilot. 

It took a few hours, the sun on the rise slightly when I touched down as a car somewhere off the edges of Boston. Boston's signature overcast weather helping cover my approach and landing as a took off into Boston.

The city is quite beautiful, full of old architecture and large blocks, open roads and very few high rising buildings. Even from the center of the city, you could see the greens of the trees on distant hills or the distant waters if you were on higher ground.

It is a pretty city, the exact opposite in environment of where I grew up.

I knew it took Mikaela a bit to get used to.

I drove though town, blending in with the more expensive cars as I reached some of the tall buildings, pulling in at a tall set of apartments in the nice part of town, driving through the underground parking to Mikaela's saved parking spaces.

I parked next to Mikaela's nice grey mustang, Danny's truck on the other side of her Mustang. I smiled, glad to see they were both home. I knew it was a weekend, so I knew they might be here, but I am glad to see they are. I still found it funny and nice of them that they saved a parking space for me, labeled with my fake human name.


Still amusing to me.

I turned on my holoform, so glad I had blacked out windows on my alt form. In the past three years I have improved my holoform a ton and now it was a requirement that every autobot have the upgraded holoform before stepping outside the base.

I changed my holoform style a bit over that time. Where, before, I made my holoform self look like a young art junkie, now I made her look a bit more like an adult, also to keep Mikaela's father from questioning why I wasn't aging.

Now I didn't worry, the likely chance of me meeting her father again was low.

I opened the door and stood out of my alt form, deciding I needed to look like someone a bit rich with the alt form I had, so I was dressed in designer like clothes, sunglasses on to hide the unusual blue eyes. I had discovered, along with a few other autobots, that the eyes glowed faintly in dark areas, so most of us wore sunglasses to hide that unusual feature that I just could not hide in the holoform coding.

I heard a few whistles from idiots as I walked towards the elevators, making me roll my eyes. Humans, always eager to watch some pretty thing walk by.

I hit the button, standing with my 'phone' pulled out. Really all it is is a projection of my inbuilt computer in my arm. I filed though things idly while I waited on the elevator.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now