12. Escape

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Yet again I am splitting up a chapter because, yet again, I went through and added A LOT! Lol, be prepared for this to happen more often, I really want to add the details and little things I didn't do when rushing the original. Also, I know there are mistakes, I have caught a few but it will take me reading the chapter a few more times to catch them all. Enjoy!

Jazz and I entered the hanger, waiting on Optimus and the twins. Optimus arrived and soon it was just us waiting on the twins.

I watched them enter, as two separate mini cars. Darn, I'm gonna miss that ice cream truck.

I turned and pushed silly thoughts away, Optimus called us here for a mission and I am determined to be aware and follow it.

"I called all four of you for a specific mission. Diego Garcia is no longer safe for Dustwing. The presence of the new liaison who is out for our removal here makes in even more imperative that Dustwing be moved away from Diego Garcia. Twins, understand that what I am to tell you is to be kept highly secret. Dustwing is no ordinary autobot, she is the Savior of The AllSpark." Optimus said.

I looked down as the twins looked at me in shock, mouth's dropped open.

"All four of you will need to sneak out of Diego Garcia. Jazz, twins, protect Dustwing at all costs. Hide somewhere near Sam Witwicky, it will make it easy for us to contact you and protect the human boy. Bumblebee will be returning to base tonight and his arrival will give you the perfect cover to get off base. I will contact about anything important, remember to remain hidden." Optimus said before turning to Jazz standing beside me

"Jazz, as the highest officer of the four of you and my TIC, you are in charge of this group. Understood?" Optimus said to Jazz.

"Understood, sir." Jazz said determinedly. Oh, geez, his determined expression even sends tingles through me! Dangit, I need to control these feelings and now.

To distract myself I questioned Optimus.

"I thought Diego Garcia and NEST was safe, Optimus, what happened?" I asked curiously, shifting to lean on my other hip closer to Jazz, my wings shifting and rubbing the back of my legs. I wonder if this is how humans with really long hair feel, I never had hair longer than shoulder length as a human and my red hair then was so curly and frizzy it stuck up all over the place.

"Ironhide detected an off feed in that meeting, someone or something else heard some of the meeting. Diego Garcia is no longer safe for-" Optimus paused, all of us hearing the click of an opened comlink.

I waited and watched as sadness filled Optimus' expression. Something bad has happened.

Optimus sighed.

"Understood, Ironhide." Optimus replied, cutting the link.

"An answer was just given to me, the remaining AllSpark shard was stolen by Decepticons. Leave tonight, first chance you get." Optimus said, walking out to handle the business of loosing a fragment.

I closed my optics, trying to feel something, I don't know what. I felt nothing and huffed. Jazz lightly touched my arm, probably to tell me to not worry about it but all I felt was those tingles again.

"We need to grab some things from my hanger and then leave, but how are we going to leave? The planes nor the boats will take us." I said, looking at Jazz and the twins.

Stared at the twins as they looked at each other and let me, identical evil smirks on their faces.

"We gots an idea." They said in unison. I had a bad feeling about this but they transformed, driving to my hanger. I looked at Jazz in worry as he did the same before we transformed and followed.

Reborn An Autobot (Jazz X OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now