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Your coworker was so nice and kind, his sweetness definitely made him the person you were most happy to see at work

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Your coworker was so nice and kind, his sweetness definitely made him the person you were most happy to see at work. You hadn't known Taehyun long, only for two years. Okay— maybe that was a bit long. But, the offices you worked in were pretty much across the building form each other, and in those two years of knowing of each other you never had the chance to talk. But that changed at a meeting months ago.

You'd approached his shy figure afterwards, and told him you thought he was pretty intelligent. You liked his vibe and it was a different vibe from all of your other coworkers.

You only got to hang out a few times because of the business of your schedules. He was an accountant of sorts, and you were a secretary for a woman known as Shailee.

He had asked to hang out multiple times and the same for you, but your schedules clashed way too much.

Today was a special day, and to say the least, you did not want to be at work. If was always work that got in the way though. You loved Shailee, she was a nice young woman— who happened to be a few years older than you. Although she seemed to think that the globe revolved around her, but you had a life too. You had family and friends that you couldn't always catch up with because of this job. You were missing births, deaths, marriages. Some happy things— and some pretty horrible things.

You were missing the day to relax; on your birthday. Which was today.

You heaved a sigh as you flipped through the calendar on your phone, seeing Shailee wasn't booked or busy today, so she shouldn't have any reason to bother or need you for anything significant. 

But as soon as you closed the thin pages, you found your phone buzzing next to you. It was Shailee.

Picking it up you immediately put it to your ear. "Hello?" You asked into the phone. "Y/n! I have a few things for you to do for me if your not busy?" Said Shailee from the other end.

I mean you didn't have anything to do, but you wanted to relax. It was the least you could do on your birthday. You worked every holiday for Shailee.

But... you couldn't say no to Shailee. You didn't think you could say no to anyone. Not if they needed you.

"...Sure. What can I do?" You sighed, trying not to make it sound like you were aggravated.

"There's a package downstairs that I'm waiting on. If it's already here, it should be on the second floor" Shailee explained confidently. You nodded, forgetting she couldn't see you. So you mumbled quickly, "Got it. I'll be right back," before taking the phone away from your ear and placing it back on the glass table.

At least she wasn't asking you to run out of the building. But there was probably paperwork in the package that you needed to do with her.

You eventually made it down to the second floor with the help of one elevator. You continued to search the floor where a bunch of desks with people sat at, but found no package, not even when you asked around. It could've been delayed... but that meant you walked all the way down here for nothing. Well technically you didn't walk much— but you get my point.

"Y/n" came a voice from behind you. The voice was soft enough as to not you startle you, but you didn't expect to hear it. Spinning on your heels with force, you were face to face with Taehyun. Just by the warm smile on his face, you already had a smile of your own.

"I texted you, but you didn't answer" a frown replaced his smile shortly after, but the frown eventually disappeared when you spoke. "Sorry...I forgot my phone upstairs..."

"Ah, I see"

"So what brings you down here?" He concluded with. "I had to run down and grab a package for Shailee. Turns out it wasn't coming today or it was delayed. I'm probably going to have to call the company and ask them where it is" great, another task at hand. You could feel a headache coming.

"You shouldn't be running around on your birthday" you blushed. How did he remember? You didn't remember telling him... I mean you might've. But you were pretty sure he wasn't some creepy stalker, so you had to of brought it up in conversation at least once or twice over the span of two years.

"I know it's sucks. But, I kinda of expected this" you mumbled.

He silenced himself seeming both deep in thought and slightly triggered by your sentence. He then spoke.

"I know we haven't had time to hang out in weeks... but, I'd like to take you out for your birthday tonight"

If you weren't already fan-girling. You definitely were now.

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