There, Where You Are (p.2)

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" He actually apologized to you? " Trinity gasped trough the speaker, she couldn't believe her ears, Hongjoong had actually apologized to Ryewon the day after she had texted him her number.

" He did and to my further amazement he actually gave me a decent amount of money, he even added a "for the damage" at the end of his apology, I still don't trust his ass! He is fishy and secretive. " Trinity smiled to her self, there were some improvements since the accident and she was happy, everything went smooth.

She ended the phone call with her as she made her way to the university's library, even though she had a day off, there still was a certain book she wanted to take home. Ah! The good old days of reading Haruki Murakami, she thought to herself. Really, Haruki Murakami was a genius when it came to books and writing and she had almost read all of his creations.

She was walking peacefully trough the calm and cool morning of early October, when someone bumped into her and made her drop her books.

" Shit, I am so sorry, I am so sorry, I should have watched where I was going! " The boy groaned infront of her and she shook her head, trying not to ruin this beautiful morning for both of them.

" No, no! It's okay really! " The boy had one of the prettiest smiles, his eyes and lips curled into beautiful shapes, as if he was a cat. Yes, he looked like a cat to her.

" I have seen you somewhere already, haven't I? " She thought to herself, yes she had definitely seen him somewhere. Of course, he was the boy accompanying Hongjoong on the day she fainted.

" Oh I know who you are, you are that mullet guy's friend! Hmm, too bad I hate that guy, should I hate you too?" Trinity suspiciously raised her eyebrows and looked at poor San who was genuinely concerned for himself for no apparent reason, it's just that her face was a pure demonstration of the words " I will kill you".

" Oh no, no, I think I am a pretty decent and nice!" He chuckled cutely to himself and pointed out his hand for Trinity to shake. He introduced himself to her as just San.

" Nice to meet you San! What do you major in, I have never seen you before! "

" I major in psychology! That's why you never see me. Your classes are in a different part of the building. " He nodded his head and this time Trinity was sure, this guy couldn't even kill an ant, he was just too pure and angelic to be anything like his devil friend Hongjoong.

" I gotta go, I have stuff to do! See you around sometimes! " He waved his hand and quickly went out of Trinity's way.

As he got away from her field of vision, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

" Yeah, hyung, the microchip is installed, I don't know how long it will last but I somehow managed to put it on her phone, yeah don't ask me how! " He smiled mischievously to himself and quickly turned in another direction. He was curiously looking at the red Dot on his phone moving away from his location.

" I am telling you, that Yamada guy has something up his sleeve, it has been already the second time he visited the Korean MP, I am afraid he will be a burden in our business. Mr, Choi! What do you think? " The dark room with only a dark table and suitable chairs, taken by some men, the youngest of them in his early thirties, discussing something peril and secretive, something only their ears knew.

" Mr. Kim, at the moment I can't tell you anything, we have been observing him quiet the long time, he seems to be clear but what bothers me is not Yamada but his right hand man, Ishikawa, he has been suspiciously eyeing up our sons, his men have been going around the campus observing the situation as I have heard. As you know my son, Mr. Jung's son, Wooyoung, and Mr. Choi's son, San, are known to have good skills when it comes to computers. I would recommend the two boys not to go to the university for a while, until we take care of the situation, same goes for Mingi and your son Hongjoong Mr. Kim. " The man stood up as everyone agreed and nodded to his idea, the meeting was dismissed for the day.


" Ishikawa, did you find out anything new, I swear to God, tell me something new! " A raspy voice was heard trough the phone, the man, who was apparently named Ishikawa, chuckled and nodded to himself.

" His daughter is studying here in Korea, Trinity. We will definitely get him! " he hung up shortly after, putting his phone in his long brown rain coat, he sat in a black car, driving off in an unknown direction.

[Anti] ;)

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