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( okay he looks so freaking cute in here, I am so excited for the comeback. )

That evening, as it was planned, Trinity decided to call Hongjoong, asking him about the location and the situation in the building.

According to him, Trinity wouldn't have a hard time getting in as Mingi already expected her to come and visit him. The men at the HQ would gladly let her in, everyone was warned everyone knew, she had to either come on her own or be dragged.

A black van stopped infront of her when she stood beside her flat, the window slid down to reveal Hongjoong in the front seat and the unknown shafeur in the driver's seat.

" Hop in! We will be there in thirty! " She nodded her head and slowly opened the back seat door, dragging her feet inside the black van, closing it. The sound of the lock was immediately heard, there was no going back now, she either would go to Mingi, beat the shit out of him or put up a major tantrum, get tied up and be dragged to him. She couldn't imagine the sly smirk on his face if he had to see her in such a state.

What were they becoming lately? She really thought they were good friends, but here he is beating she shit out of a guy, which is totally unnecessary.

" What is your plan? " Hongjoong asked not taking away his eyes from the road.

" I have no certain plan, but once I get there I will know what to do! "

"And that is? " Hongjoong smirked, the smile still visible even if she didn't really look him directly in the eyes.

" I will try talking to him, if that doesn't do the job then I will get physical, God help him if I get to that point. " She calmly retorted, looking out the window she tried to remember and save the images in her head, all the main streets or the main roads or the crosswalks or anything that would indicate her to the HQ.

Just so, for another occasion if she needed to do something about the damn place.

Her anxiety grew inside her the more they got closer to the destination, a secluded place on the outskirts of the city, something in the fields, looked like a lone village, but infact it was just some rough grey buildings, a water tank and some other containers here and there, metal everywhere. Only two other cars were parked outside the entrance of the storage room.

The chaffeur stopped at once and halted for some minutes, Hongjoong looked in the mirror, looking at the nervous girl's expression, she was stoic and expressionless.

" If something happens, know that I would be on your side but I would stand no chance against him and his men, if he ever decides something peril! " Hongjoong warned her calmly.

" Just know morally i am with you, but I have known Mingi my whole life, I am not planning on betraying him anytime soon. I understand what he does might be wrong some of the times, but I have no power over him sometimes! " He looked at his hands in his lap, he was nervous, not for himself but because of her, she didn't know what Mingi was capable sometimes and he didn't want her to find out in ugly ways.

" I understand! I totally know what you mean and even if anything happens I will know to leave you alone! " She reassured the boy. She could understand, he knew Mingi better and longer than she would ever get to know. Who knows.

" I will try to talk to him! But I am keeping my gloves on! " She rubbed the glove on her knuckles, the rings slipping around the skin.

" As you wish! " Hongjoong nodded once and got out of the car, his driver following, the last  was Trinity, she didn't give her body the permission to be engulfed in a big nervousness.

She followed the two behind, following their footsteps, she went inside the dark storage house which was lit up only on one side, several men had been sitting around a table, discussing something over some cups of alcohol. And there he sat, in his eagle like eyes, with his black outfit and his hair styled back. He looked so dangerous in that moment, or maybe he was putting up that facade for the guest, who knew. Trinity's lips parted, letting out a silent sigh she went closer and closer building up her courage, she felt herself in the Kill Bill, as if she had to at least slay hundred just to get to that one.

Mingi obviously excused his men, waving a hand to dismiss them. He stood up, throwing the edge of his trench coat back, he quickly made his way down to her, she was now sure she was strong, she would look him in the eyes. Her pride and her determination was far more strong than the gaze that Mingi held.

" And what brings you here? " He smiled sweetly, thinking that the girl was here to say her thank you's or say anything good, but that wouldn't be the case after their heated call, soon realisation hit her, he was obviously being sarcastic with his smile.

" Where is he? " She asked sternly indicating about the boy, Yeosang had been tied to a chair near them, the moment her eyes landed on his struggling and quivering form, she really understood what a good job she did when she decided to put on the rings.

" We should sit down! " Mingi pulled a chair from behind him, putting it in the centre, he sat down, crossing his legs.

" I don't know if talking to you is going to help in any way when you just beat up the guy who i had business with! " She crossed her arms on her chest, looking disappointed.

" Do you want to know the reason why I beat the shit out of this guy? To your information I don't just beat up people, I don't find much pleasure in fighting and violence! You might be wondering now that everything that I said right now is bullshit. "

" You read my mind! " She retorted back, how could he not be into violence, the guy was beat up where he wasn't even properly functioning.

" You know the reason why he got so close to you? He didn't just play a friendly tsundere who would let you know about anything? What you really expected him to sit down with you for a tea and spill everything? Are you that naive? " He shook his head and she rest doubted the guy, but still beating him up was not a good thing to do.

" Still- "

" He lured in the Yakuza! " He cut her off briskly.

" Wait what do you mean? " She asked, confusion in her voice.

" He lured in the Yakuza that had been searching for you some time. The guys started apprearing on the campus. They had been given the order to kill you! " He told her, confusing her even more.

" He betrayed you and you fell for that! " He clapped his hands.

" But why would they even be after me? "

" Because of your father! "

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