The Plan

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" How come you have a feud with one of them? " Mingi asked Trinity out of the blue.

" Jongho was my next target after Yeosang, in the gym. " Trinity laughed, remembering the first-ever occasion that got Yeosang back to the Chil Sung Pa clan. If not the fight in the gym, the group would not have known of Yeosang and his mother, who apparently was such a gem to the whole clan.

" I am not sure if you should get involved with Jongho " Yeosang laughed as his mother just chuckled.

" What is so funny? " Trinity scrunched her eyebrows, Mingi just looked at the three in confusion.

" Well, I am pretty sure you cannot do anything to a former Olympic Kung Fu fighter, but I guess.." Yeosang chuckled, he briefly scratched his chin and raised his eyebrows.

" We will see about that. " Just as Trinity said that, Jongho and Seonghwa entered the room, Jongho just looked down smirking, Trinity gulped once and looked Jongho up and down.

" Well, I would like to find that out. " Jongho smiled at Trinity and she just raised her chin, this type of interaction was getting to Mingi, he was burning with rage and something even bitter in his heart, he did not know why. His cheeks reddened as he watched Trinity and Jongho exchange looks. Jongho's eyes gave off a certain gaze. Mingi just nodded and scratched his nose, just murmuring to Hongjoong to call his father to arrange another meeting with Yeosang's mother Suah.

Hongjoong nodded and shifted his gaze to Trinity and Jongho, he squinted his eyes and then with widened eyes he followed Mingi out of the room.

" Dude, are you serious right now? " Hongjoong stopped Mingi in the hallway, halting him and looking him up, as Mingi actually towered over most of the clan youngsters.

" What? What's serious? " Mingi shook his head, he looked around and then back at Hongjoong trying to understand what the latter was trying to clarify. 

" I cannot believe myself, no I mean I had been thinking and had my suspicions but I never thought one day it would actually be true. " Hongjoong laughed and shook Mingi by his shoulders. " Dude you are crushing on Trinity, you are, right? "

Mingi widened his eyes, scrunched his eyebrows, then widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows, went red, blue and then sighed out in frustration.

" N- are you serious right now, me crushing on Trinity? Me? " Mingi exclaimed and pointed a finger at himself. He could not believe his friend, even though he knew by now he was caught in something he might never live down. His gaze shifter everywhere instead of his shorter friend.

" Yeah you, you are crushing on Trinity, finally man, finally go wipe off that drool from your face and do something about it, I am tired of watching you since last month September drooling over her! " Hongjoong laughed and ran ahead, leaving Mingi in the hallway, dumbfounded with a shy smile on his face, his hands snaked up to his eyes, to cover his now red cheeks.

While the two headed over to the clan leaders, Trinity announced a general training in the main gym, it was different from the school's gym, a little bit smaller, but just as much equipment and even more.

" Jongho take off your shoes and get in the ring, Yeosang toss me the gloves over there. " Yeosang nodded and just tossed two pairs of gloves over to the girl. Seonghwa just sat down and smiled sweetly as Yeosang sat beside him, telling him some kind of a joke while pointing a finger at the ring. Seonghwa just nodded and told him back something equally funny as Yeosang almost fell off the chair.

Trinity just shook his head and put on the gloves, she was grateful that she had decided to wear something more casual and not just tight jeans, she definitely wouldn't handle a ripped middle.

" Your name is Trinity right? " Jongho smiled and put the gloves on, not rushing his actions. " Just to know who I am dealing with before I black them out"

" Ha Ha, very funny, I can barely breathe, just brace yourself " Trinity let out a sarcastic remark before she took a left stance, bringing up her fists to her face, looking at the male in front of her to make sure she doesn't miss a thing.

" Very well "unknown", I won't hesitate just because you are a girl, you must not be weak if you dare challenge me. " Jongho bent his neck, a small crack could be heard before he took the right position.

Trinity and Jongho circled the ring for some seconds before Trinity got closer to Jongho, she wanted to make sure she could land nice and hard punches, she did not want to have any disadvantages, but after all one must not misunderstand the fight between the two, as this is not done between rivals, as right now they are working together, but this is more of a bickering between two people who just know each other. In case of Jongho and Trinity, it was in the form of a serious fight.

Trinity rushed forward, landing a punch to Jongho's left cheek, but Jongho was fast enough to dodge it, now it was his turn, his punch went for Trinity's chin, both of them were playing a game of land and dodge, none of them could land a good punch and even if they did, it never was strong enough to cause anything to the opponent. Trinity sighed it was enough for her, this cat and mouse bickering was just foolish to her, she immediately rushed towards the male, grasping him by the waist and dragging him down, the action was so brisk and new that both Seonghwa and Yeosang let out long 'ohs'. An additional shout of "Way to go Trinity" came from an excited San, as both him and Wooyoung entered the gym. Yeosang's mother came in shortly after sitting down beside his son.

Jongho threw Trinity off from his body, throwing her to the other side as they both quickly jumped up to take their stances. Trinity's face was getting hotter and redder by the minute, Jongho was out of breath and they both hoped they could get each other down, Trinity calculated one last time after watching Jongho's steps, just trying to find a good way to land a punch right on his jawline to knock him out. She did not know thought that Jongho was trying to do the same thing.

At that moment as both of them rushed to the front Mingi instantly came rushing inside the gym, jumped in the ring and threw himself between the two receiving a strong jab at his face from the other male. He turned his face, hand clutching his jaw, hair disheveled as he tried to blink away the black spots in his eyes, Trinity and Jongho both stood there frozen as they waited for him to say or do something. Trinity's hands touched Mingi's broad shoulders trying to see if he even was breathing.

" You were trying to hit me with that?! " Trinity exclaimed, Jongho just bowed his head as he actually felt stupid for thinking of punching the girl so hard.

"Please be fucking careful and for god's sake stop fighting. " Mingi stood straight again, looking around, hand still clutching his jaw as he stormed off from the ring, he rushed out of the room, his shoulder softly grazing Hongjoong's on the way.

Trinity and Jongho shook hands, they both laughed and Jongho even apologized for thinking of hurting her so badly, she dismissed it and told him it was okay, as she was also thinking of landing a strong punch. Trinity put her shoes on and Hongjoong signaled everyone to go to the meeting. While everyone left Trinity approached Hongjoong with a question.

" What I up with him lately, isn't he acting strange? "

Hongjoong looked confused as he asked if she meant Mingi.

"Yeah, what is up with your friend? " Trinity put her jacket on, while Hongjoong and her slowly approached the door.

" Oh you know, rainbows and angry butterflies in the stomach! " Hongjoong smiled as he went ahead Trinity.

" Huh? " She was confused, first about the answer second of Hongjoong, she was confused that he was actually showing a different emotion other than the "I am the badass don't touch me grr" face.

Damn Hongjoong and his cliffhangers.

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