The Truth

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Both Mingi and Trinity rushed out of the room, shutting the door quickly.

The others rushed inside the office as well, once very calm and collected Hongjoong, now all disheveled and out of breath literally smashed himself in San, as he didn't see him standing in the door.

" Hongjoongah yah! " San snickered at the shorter male, which he received a punch in the arm as an answer.

" Guys calm down, Wooyoung any information, where is Yeosang? " Mingi tried to keep himself calm and collected as he looked around the room searching for the shorter boy. 

" i am here " a calm voice spoke out coming from the entrance of the room. The whole group shifted their gaze to him, he stood there in the door frame, leaning on the side. 

" My mother will be here in 5 minutes !" He said very calmly, as if it was so normal for his mother to visit  the others. His eyes scanned everyone's faces. His head was empty, he did not think much of the whole situation. He was a person, who would always go with the flow. He did not panic and never made decisions because of some kind of a pressure  on him. 

" How come you had been adopted and you still kept contact with her, i mean would not the Yakuza know of your connections? " Asked San curiously. 

" That my dear is a good question ! " a tall woman dressed in  all black dress and coat entered the room, as if light emerging from the shadows, her face lit up the whole room with her beauty and feminine energy. She was obviously Yeosang's mother judging from the situation, but even if you didn't know you would still guess it was her, because of the resemblance between the two. 

" Hello my name is Suah, i am Yeosang's mother, nice to meet you all ! " she smiled sweetly and slightly bowed for everyone, the dumbfounded youngsters bowed back without thinking. 

" The thing is, even though i did give up Yeosang for adoption, after he had turned 15, i met him again, i explained the situation and told him the reason why i adopted him to the murderer of his father and he understood me,  he remembered my face and took the truth. To cover up our connection I acted as his piano teacher, not only did i keep in touch with my son, but thought him how to play the paino well, after all he had to show his father that i indeed was his teacher. Fortunately nothing happened. I hope you will take care of Yeosang  and treat him like your brother, as he is indeed a part of you.  He is Kang's biological son " Said the woman and smiled at everyone. 

" Samonim*, we will definitely need your help in this, i am definitely sure Yeosang's adoptive father is plotting something against us and i am sure he knows by now that you are with us. " Spoke up Trinity, Suah smiled at her and nodded. 

" Before i cam here i had already visited the main HQ, I have spoken with your father Hongjoong and other chiefs of the clan, they are ready to protect me and i am ready to serve this clan one more time , but as soon as this whole situation is over i will take Yeosang with me and we will clear our name forever. " Suah's demeanor suddenly changed, she sternly spoke out the last words. 

Mingi nodded at her and stole a quick glance at Yeosang who was still leaning on the side of the door, standing next to his mother. This situation would have been over soon, maybe in a week maybe even tomorrow who knows, but was Yeosang really willing to do the same as his mother and disappear from everyone's sight? Was this really what he wanted all along. Sure he had longed for a normal life and he always wanted to live a life of a normal student, but now that he grew accustomed to this life style, got to know everyone, he was not sure if this was really what he wanted. He spoke up after a short silence. 

" Seonghwa and Jongho are willing to help us" Yeosang added.

" Wait, Jongho ? That dude i was going to bit the shit out of that time in the gym ?"  Trinity exclaimed. 

" I am not sure how you would be able to do that, but yeah, him " Yeosang laughed as he remembered  the many medals and black belts the boy had earned throughout his life. 

Trinity scoffed at him, the others erupted in a laughter as Yeosang's mother chuckled to herself. 

" I hope i will be in a good help for you, i am ready to provide any type of information i can and at the same time i used to be the main IT technician in the clan, before Wooyooung's father replaced me and then as i see gave the job to Wooyoung himself " Suah smiled at Wooyoung, the boy widened his eyes and smiled at the older woman. 

" you know my  father ? " his eyes started to shine. 

" of course, we used to be like sister and a brother, not only hi, but i also knew San's father, i know one of the best pickpockets could not resist to give his talent to his son as well " Suah now shifted her gaze at San, who smiled sheepishly and blushed. 

" very well, now that we have all of that behind us, Mrs. Kang what is it that you recommend us to do ? " Mingi made everyone fly down from their clouds. 

" well, first of all Wooyoung please lend me your computer. Mama Kang wants to start working again. Mingi please let me connect ton the head chiefs. " There she was again, shifting her whole demeanor again and changing the energy around her. 

" Yes! " answered Mingi as he got to work and dragged Hongjoong together with him. Wooyooung and San squealed as they gladly showed Mrs. Kang the whole computer room.  

" I did not know you mother could be so badass! " Trinity smiled at Yeosang as they went to the practice room together. 

" Yeah, i did not know too ! By the way Jongho an Seonghwa are visiting. " 

" Oh he better come ! "  

* samonim < 사모님 > - Madam 

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