Beat you (p.1)

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Soft sounds of the outside world pulled her out of her sleep, but her body was so tired that the warm temperature of the room lulled her back in her slumber, her almost closed eyes scanned the room, a warm presence was felt beside her right arm, a bundle of something soft and fluffy, hair?.

She quietly looked up, waking herself on purpose, someone's head rested on her bed, his hands holding her hand and his head laid on her.

She laid her head again, too tired to say anything, she stayed calm as sleep came to her again.

The next time she had woken up was about two hours later, she had been sleeping in a dimly lit room, creamy curtains giving the room a nude light shining. The covers and bed sheets all white in their glory covering her tired body, her body now in a different outfit. An oversized shirt, her undergarments were still on her, making her sigh out of relief.

It's was about midday when she checked the clock. She wondered how long she had been asleep, because it was definitely the next day and she was afraid she might have missed some classes, but fear washed away as she realised it was Saturday. She wondered whose room she had been using.

Sitting up she felt her face, her eye obviously a little puffy and painful. She moved her jaw, Yeosang had punched her pretty strong, not like she didn't either, one thing she remembers was them both going in for a KO and then everything went dark.

She stood up, her body surprisingly fit and not sore at all, something we couldn't say about her pretty face with the new purple-yellow eyeshadow.

The shirt covered her till her midthigh. Opening the white door she was greeted with a dining room, only then she realised she was in Mingi's dorm room, the house was warm and actually kept neat. Judging by the silence she was alone, a single sticky note stuck on the fridge.

" I knew you could have been hungry, so I bought some stuff, I hope you actually eat them, I will be back pretty late so if you want to leave, you can, I am currently with Yeosang having a talk ;) "


She sighed out, even if they were about to sit down and just talk a fight would still erupt between the two, both of them of wild nature and Yeosang being a provocative little shit, he would definitely make some kind of a comment. A series of numbers were scribbled under his name, she grabbed her phone and immediately dialed his number.

" I want him alive and now, I need to find out everything! " She didn't even greet him, bombarded him with her requests.

" Hello to you, too, kitten! " She halted for a good minute, trying to burn the info.

" Hi! " She answered softly, calming her temper. Going towards the bathroom, she looked in the mirror. A little purple patch decorated her eye and a dark patch on her right side of the jaw.

" He is in the HQ, I can't really bring you here right now, one thing I can tell you is that he is having an interview, no one is using force on him, you don't need to worry about that! " She nodded her head to herself.

" He is mine, I have all the rights on him at this rate, you shouldn't have taken him to the HQ, I don't give a damn about the clan, I need him! " She retorted back sternly, anger boiling inside her when she realised that he was selfish enough to take him to HIS HQ, when she had stated before that he was supposed to go nowhere.

" Listen, Trinity, your still working with us, I mean we need info- "

" Who told you that? "

" Who told me what? " Mingi answered confused.

" Who told you that I am working with you, you decided that I was working with you! I am cooperating, I dont work under the clan, I don't know if i had told you that before, but I don't want to get into crime or this gangster shit, I just want to know my information! "

" I understand, but I can't bring you to him, he is still in the HQ, he is Having An Interview Here! " His tone became stern and angry, his voice becoming darker and deeper.

" Don't make me beat you up! Tell who ever they are, they should finish! " She hung up the phone, she needed to calm herself to not go all rampage on him, to not jump on him and beat the shit out of him. Something was always wrong with them and their relation to each other. They fight all the time. But right now she was sure, this was serious.

She quickly packed up her bag, putting her gym clothes and taking out her jeans she put it underneath Mingi's oversized shirt. Locking the door she put the key under the mat, hoping his dumb ass would realise where it was.

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