devil's punch (p.2)

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" if you dare go out of here, ditch on me or pussy out, even if you beg for mercy, I will hit you so hard you won't see your future offspring, fucker! " Trinity's wrists clenched up, taking a pose,  she looked at the mischivious boy infront of her, after San had locked the doors, Mingi and Hongjoong stood besides Trinity.

" We could talk this out! " Mingi told the three guys sternly, clenching his knuckles, he was maybe destructive, fighting ran in his blood, but still if things could be settled without blood, he was willing to do just that.

" The girly agreed on having three thirty minute matches with me, I am not backing down right now, as she said pussying out is not an option, y'know? " He went closer to Trinity, taking the back of his hand, he gently carressed her right cheek, her face slick from previous fighting and sweat.

She briskly grabbed his wrist, clenching it hard in her hand she realised, he was way stronger than anyone thought he was, at the contact Yeosang didn't give much reaction, his posture remained the same and his eyes still narrowed at Mingi, he was calm for someone who was about to get beaten up. He flexed his arm once, his wrist became thicker in her still feminine hands. He looked her in the eyes, she narrowed her eyes at him, he had something up his sleeve, he had something in his head, something she didn't want anyone to know.

" San turn on the timer, we will begin! " the boy nodded as he went up to the benches, taking his phone in his pale hands he quickly counted down till three and then letting out a loud "fight" the numbers on his screen started changing immediately.

She let go of his wrist, smirking to himself he rubbed his wrist as he went to his position on the other side of the red ring, his stance signaled her that he was using normal kickboxing, but she still didn't know the abilities of Yeosang, would he start kicking her with taekwondo moves, would he do mawashigeri on her,  would he even kick her with his elbow, what would he do next?

Sure she knew Muai Thai, taekwondo and was excellent at boxing but, what if he had something else in the store?

Kang Yeosang himself was an interesting individual, he grew up in a mixed household, his mother Japanese, the daughter of  Yakuza, and his father, former gangster of an unknown gang in Korea to our sources. He grew up with very strict rules and curfews, his father used to beat him with a belt even if he did something slightly wrong, his mother a strict Japanese woman, who was raised as a geisha but once she found her love she stopped all of her activities and focused on raising an honored and intelligent son. Since childhood he was exposed to martial arts, he used to learn every day, for hours and hours. And at the age of fifteen, everyone knew his unbearable character was all due to his childhood, he was never treated as a child, he never played with other children, he was never thought how to do things that were thought by the father's to their sons. He was not an ordinary child and at the age of sixteen everyone knew, his father not only raised a son, who he always wanted to have, but even raised a monster and sometimes in his sleep, his father used to think, maybe just maybe the reason for his mercilessness was all his fault. After all a body without a soul is the same as a human character without mercy, it was paradoxic and peculiar. 

As the two on the fighting ring got closer and closer the tension in the room reached its peak. Mingi and Hongjoong didn't take off their eyes from the other two friends of Yeosang, the tall blonde one, silently examined the situation, the younger one was sitting down, but his mind was set on fire, his whole instincts were telling him to fight, telling him to go up and punch the taller guy, he wanted some actions. After all he was young and his hormones were not in rage for only girls' underwears that peaked from their short dresses, but this, this had him way more excited.

" Come closer babygirl, come closer don't be shy! " Yeosang signed her to come close with his fingers, at the nickname Mingi's head went in an overdrive, his mind went into more depths, his hands craved Yeosang's neck between them.

Trinity landed the first taekwondo kick, her body twisted once, her right foot coming in contact with his cheek bone. His left hand defended the kick, her foot landed immediately, at the same time she tried punching him with her left fist, his hands stiffened infront of his face, Trinity's punch left a little red patch.

" My turn!" He took a serious face as his right fist came in contact with her jaw, he was obviously trying to get her in a KO.

She wobbled for a second, her vision blurred and her feet were about to give out. She heard her name get screamed at her. It could have been Mingi's voice but her hearing didn't do her justice either.

Hongjoong struggled to keep the taller boy calm, he whispered many clam downs and everything will be okays, just trying to not get Mingi involved yet.

Mingi wet his lips out of frustration, his hand started shaking for a second as he looked at the girl suffer.

She shook her head, getting herself all ready again, she twisted again, tricking Yeosang into a left high kick, but in reality she changed her side in the last second and he couldn't even blink an eye as a hard kick was delivered to his right side of the head. He recovered quiet quickly,  regaining his posture to keep on fighting, but Trinity was not weak, Yeosang understood how much he actually underestimated her powers. The blonde friend of his clenched his eyebrows, it was his first time seeing Yeosang get affected by a punch.

For the next three rounds the two had been landing each other different kicks, from different martial arts, Mingi anxiously examined Trinity's body, all bruised up and tired, it was about to give out any minute, he had been worried, she was not able to go on like this for long. During the second round, both Trinity and Yeosang went into a KO but in both situations they quickly tried to regain conscioucness.

" You see, I am not pussying out, how about you give up before your face gets all botched up! " he weakly smiled again, his nose had bled two times during the matches, Trinity was not looking like anything better, her left eyebrow was completely covered in blood, dripping to her jaw.

" Shut the fuck up! " She retorted back as she punched him in the stomach.

" Y-you have a... Minute left! " Yeosang barely breathed out these words as San's loud was heard in the gym, the matches we're nearing an end, only a minute left till everything was over.

" You can't even land a proper punch in those hour and half, what makes you think you can get me in KO in just seconds! " Trinity stood right infornt of him, their knuckles almost touching. Both of them were worn out of fighting, both of them had gone pale after the first round, Trinity's legs could barely support her. He smirked one last time before he breathed out " brace yourself! " As both at the same time landed a strong punch in their jaws, with the last bit of strength they had, both knocked out, landed flat on the ground.
Everything went black, for a second she heard Mingi's scream, just for a second, she smiled to herself, cute she thought.

AN: sorry for such a late update, I was kinda busy these days, and honesty I didnt have much inspiration to write. I finally for myself to the couch and wrote this chapter. Vote and comment, your cute comments always make me keep on going.

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