The Meeting pt. 3

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" What is wrong with you all? " Mingi entered the room, seeing everyone kind of in their world was not a first but right now the feeling was so weird. Hongjoong wasn't being his loud self and the two couple were just sitting there and looking at the screen.

Hongjoong just sighed, he had always believed Mingi and always trusted his beloved team mate and brother hut he now had doubts, he thought right now not even Mingi could bring light to his head, the only thing left was to just really talk to Yeosang.

" are you sure about this? " Hongjoong finally looked up at Mingi, never in his life Mingi had seen such unsure look on him.

" We have nothing to grab on yet, the head quarter had told us to deal with it ourselves, in case something bad comes up we will then get their help, at the moment they don't want to get in between. " Mingi sat down on the other end of the couch, looking down, thinking about something.

" By the way, the two friends that accompanied Yeosang were found yesterday, they would help us, if they can part from us then without any trouble. " Mingi then finally spoke out.

" What? " Wooyoung blurted out, he had seen the two, especially the short one had this immense power, such strength in such a normal body.

" don't worry, they are not here to harm anyone, they are my friends, they are here because of me. " Yeosang and Trinity finally entered the room, Hongjoong stopped his knife in his hand, Mingi nodded his head and took another chair to let the other two sit down. Trinity just stood beside Mingi, Yeosang sat on the couch, a little far away from Hongjoong.

" My father knows that I am now with you! " Yeosang looked Mingi in the eyes, everyone's eyes fixed on the brunette boy.

" he knows that I would tell you everything and I am honestly not even afraid of anything, I am willing to help you out! "

" And why should we trust you, why should we not think that you will pull of some kind of a shit and then dump us, give us to your father?! " Hongjoong shouted out furiously,  he was on the verge of his nerves, everyone was during those last two days.

" I have some information that is very helpful for you all, and this information was not only shocking for me, but will be for you too! " Yeosang calmly answered,  Trinity took a look at Mingi, he had his jaw clenched and his eyes were turned in crescent moons, he was not sure what kind of information Yeosang had, but if this boy, that was sitting in front of him, could give them something valuable, he would definitely believe him, as this information not only would harm the whole gang, but would harm Yeosang himself.

" Mingi, everything started when Trinity came here! " Yeosang began.

" what does this everything has to do with me? " Trinity blurted out, Mingi took her hand, signing her to let yeosang continue.

" There is something that Trinity's father, Ishikawa and Mingi' father have in common. Originally on the summit, not only Ishikawa and Trinity's father, but as well as Mingi's father was present. They were supposed to split the money earned from the weapon black bazaars equally, Trinity's father and Mingi's were both came to an agreement, while Ishikawa wanted to take up Mr. Song's part, too. He claimed he had sold more and that's why he deserved much more from the money. They had a massive argument after they left Berlin. " Yeosang breathed in and out.

" The police raid, was played out! Mingi! " Yeosang looked up, he looked Mingi in the eyes and gulped when he saw the boy's shocked state.

" what do you mean? " Mingi clenched his hand around Trinity's.

" Your father was not killed during a police raid, but he was killed during a played out one, Ishikawa killed your father! " Yeosang now looked down on his hands again, ot is not easy to tell someone such an information and look them in the eyes at the same time.

" and how do you know all of this, huh? " Mingi whispered under his breath, nearly audible in a full room, but the news brought such a shock to everyone that every single thing was audible in that room.

" When I was adopted by Ishikawa, I hid away something from him, I understood everything around me not so well, but when I turned 14 I had met a lady while I was leaving school, she had been claiming to be my real mother, I had talked to her, and she showed me the documents, how she put me up to adoptions and how it was meant for Ishikawa to adopt me, without him knowing who I was. " Yeosang sighed out.

"Mingi, my father is Kang Baekho, the one who created the chil sung pa clan, together with your father. My mother is very near to us, my father was killed by Ishikawa as well, afraid that my father would tell about his actions to every clan in existence, when in reality Ishikawa had signed a peace bill with the others, this would be totally destructible for his clan. "

" What? " a barely audible breathe came out of Mingi's mouth, his whole life he literally thought his father was killed by a policeman, his whole life he also thought how could this policeman know everything so well about the house, how could he look so soulless when he pulled the trigger, when his father's now dead body dropped in front of him. He wondered all these years. He wondered ....

" Yeosang, what does Trinity's dad have to do here? " Hongjoong spoke up finally and put his hand on Yeosang's shoulder.

" Trinity' s father was promised the same as Mr. Song, if he didn't give his part to him he would even go as far as to kill Trinity herself." Mingi froze for a second, he imagined this moment right now without Trinity, he imagined this moment he wouldn't have held her hand, if her father hadn't given Ishikawa the money. Mingi blinked once and looked up at Trinity with teary eyes, right now he was swimming in a pull of emotions and Yeosang's words hit him even deeper.

Trinity sighed out, her second hand covered the other hand of Mingi, calming him down.

" Yeosang do you have any plan what we can do? He is definitely searching for me right now and also for you, if the secret gets out about him he is finished, but we don't really have any evidence. "  Trinity spoke out softly, even though her demeanor was usually harsh and a little but energetic, right now there was this certain tension in the room that didn't allow her to really speak in such a way.

" dont worry about that! "

A/n :authornim is dead yall have yall seen the comeback. .. uffff

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