Confussed Children

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(may have grammar and spelling issues, it's honestly almost two in the morning and I can't function properly, if you find one please tell me)

" Kang Yeosang? That guy is like really familiar to me! I don't really know, can't put my finger on it! " The two roommates had invited in another of their friend and had been discussing things about Uni here and there.

" Ah, right! He is in my engineering class, one thing I know that guy is pretty good at IT, I can't even compare to him! " Soojin had sighed out as she set the glass of water down on the coffee table, her short legs tightly clutched to her, taking a comfortable position on the sofa.

" Really? If you say that he is better than you, then how far can this guy's abilities go? Hm? " Anemona raised her eyebrows at the two girls sitting in the living room, everyone had a confused look on their face, Trinity just nodded her head at Anne's statement, really, if one of the best people at IT claimed someone was way better than them, then it meant something.

" I am pretty interested in him that's why I asked! " Trinity smirked at Soojin and Anne, not wanting to reveal her real intentions, of course she couldn't just tell her two friends she was involved with gangsters her whole life.

" I mean, he is kinda weird, he doesn't speak to anyone nor was he ever seen doing anything other than going around the campus doing his own thing. He is always secretive and my one friend told me when she was doing a group project with him, he had one of those deepest voices, very hard-working and too serious! " Soojin sighed as she grabbed the water again and drank it whole.

" Strange huh! " Trinity commented as she clutched the sofa pillow closer to her body and went deep into her thoughts.

" How has it been going so far! " Ishikawa asked the silent boy sitting in front of him in the big sofa chair, his hands on the either sides of the sofa, smiling to himself.

" She is quiet interesting, how should I word it? She just directly went into the arms of Chil Sung Pa, I have been keeping an eye on her, they definitely know who I am or why I am here! Isn't that right, uncle Ishikawa? " Ishikawa nodded silently, the use of words in the boy's speech weirded him out all the time.

" Is there any information you have on her? " Ishikawa continued, lighting up a cigar and taking a closer look at the serious boy, his face not even changing a bit as he fished out his phone and turned on what seemed like a phone conversation.

" The father knows that we are after his daughter! I honestly don't understand anything! Why are we after her, it's not like she is the one who has the codes? Right? " Yeosang put away his phone, standing up he grapped the crystal glass from the metallic tray and poured himself the brown whiskey that shone in beautiful brown and red colors.

" The only way to get the codes is to get to her, with the information that was delivered to me, the codes are stored deep in her phone, even the father is spying on his daughter, he doesn't trust her either, the moment something happens to the phone, he will make sure he gets it in his hands. " Ishikawa answered letting out white smoke.

" Don't you think it's kind of weird for the father to put the codes in his daughters phone, I mean, sure is a  safe place but literally anyone could find out about it easily. " Yeosang stole a quick glance of his uncle before he took a short gulp of the whiskey, sighing out as the liquid burned down his throat satisfyingly.

" The father is after the daughter! Don't you understand? " Ishikawa laughed as the cigar burned out, his strong wrinkly hands pushing the tip in the ashtray, the smoke immediately vanishing. The you get boy scrunched his eyebrows as he was even more confused than before.

" Honestly, I would have come immediately, if not him being here! " Trinity pointed towards the angry Hongjoong, who was rolling the beloved knife in his hands again.

" Just ignore him, he does that all the time! " Wooyoung smiled at the girl, Trinity had been asked to visit the boys that day, Mingi had something to discuss with the group and involving Trinity there wouldn't be a bad idea. After all, most if the conversations were about her, most of the time initiated by Mingi himself.

It was so weird and confusing for Trinity when she entered the living room of the boys, the house didn't look like anything special from hers, but what looked strange was Mingi and the other boys himself. It was weird for her to see their tough selves all of a sudden dressed in hoodies and grey sweatpants, accompanied by green socks with dog prints on.

" What? I like them okay! " Mingi whined out as he saw Trinity's judging looks towards her.

She shook her head and laughed out loud, she just couldn't t believe her eyes.

" Ah! This dude! Just several hours ago you were acting all tough and shit, scaring me with your slicked back hair and black trench coat and all of a sudden you just greet me with this? Bro, what are those? " Trinity broke down laughing as she pointed at the annoyed boy's socks.
He rolled his eyes as he muttered out a " they are my socks, shut up! ", bringing her to the others in a what seemed like a conference room, only table and some chairs, plain conference room.

She took a sit, bringing her legs up on the chair and clutching the to herself, a habit she has had since childhood, her cheeks squashed between her knees. For a second "green socks" thought she was cute he even tried to smile but held himself back,  thinking what the fuck was going on with him.

" So today! We invited you over for a reason! " San started as he took a seat next to Mingi, besides him a relaxed Wooyoung, running his fingers trough his hair sometimes. Hongjoong came in the room shortly, his harsh hands pulling the chair out as he sat down at the edge, far away from all the four people.

" I got some info, that Yeosang has begun to get deeper in your case, he had been seen roaming your neighbourhood yesterday night! I don't know what he was doing, or searching for but I am at this rate concerned that something really is about to happen, that's why I wanted you to be under watch, ss i can't just make you give up Uni! " Trinity happily clapped at Mingi, liking his words.

He annoyingly signed her to calm the fuck down and listen to him once again. A hiss followed by a curse word was heading in the room and no one really even paid attention as everyone knew Hongjoong was just getting annoyed by her presence.

" That's why I wanted you to change houses, but you won't be alone. Just because I don't trust anyone, I have decided to let a special person live with you! " The door opened up quickly as soon as he finished his sentence.

" Me and my older sister are going to move in with you! " He smirked to himself enjoying the news, his sister a total doppelganger of his.

A high pitched deafening  "mweo" (what) was heard in the conference room, as if the glass was about to shatter. 

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