Late night in Busan

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 " Ishikawa, the Chil sung pa is in Busan, just like we expected " a man stood next to a mysterious sofa, a single hand was laying, resting on it with a cigar between the fingers. it was a hot Busan night but the atmosphere w=could freeze the water inside the room, the dim light did not help in any way to brighten up the room as it cast a sinister shadow on the man sitting on the sofa. 

" Yeosang is with them, right? " Ishikawa blew the smoke from his mouth, his wrinkled eyes were showing a scary expression as he looked up at the man who was standing right next to him. 

" Yes, he is with them. Maybe you should let him know, if he wants to see his beloved mother again he should soon do as I say, inform him again about the consequences, you know, refresh his mind. Tell him not to have too much fun with the german slut. " the man behind Ishikawa nodded and walked out of the room, two big bodyguards dragged themselves behind him like two scary dogs as they both exited the room. 

Meanwhile, while the hot summer nights made people come out of the cages of their four walls and party, San, Yeosang, and Trinity walked through the downtown as Trinity munched on fishcakes, which she made San buy.  " Can we also go to the karaoke, Sannie is gonna pay right? Sannie? " for the nth time that day "Sannie" could already feel his pockets thin and he was desperate to just get in a club and spend the last of his wons on some soju and maybe throw some more up at a girl. Yeosang was walking peacefully next to the two as they bickered about who was going to pay for the karaoke. His thoughts were interrupted when he realized he had missed the two as they stopped by at a small market to buy some cigarettes, bewildered he took a look at Trinity as she put the cigarette in her mouth and as if everything was playing in slow motion for him the whole world froze as her hair fell off her shoulders and the smoke slowly puffed out of her mouth. 

" Is everything okay with you, did you see a ghost or something? " San laughed at Yeosang and hit him playfully on the shoulder. Yeosang shook his head and slowly walked together with San when Trinity caught up with the two.  " I did not know you smoked! " Yeosang calmly asked as Trinity blew another puff. 

" I do not, just occasionally when I am stressed out. " Trinity grimaced and threw the remainder of the cig on the ground, crushing it with her foot.  Yeosang hummed for himself.

 " You are stressed out, like right now? " He asked nonchalantly, laughing to himself, of course, she was stressed out, the mafia was after her, her whole life she had been lied to about stuff, she still kept such a hard character and not only protected herself but the others around her too. 

" No shit Yeosang, I am actually enjoying myself! " Trinity laughed out heartfeltly and pushed Yeosang playfully, she was actually very tired of everyone's shit, she was tired that she had to protect, had to do all of those things just because of a thing she could not change, her identity, as in a daughter of a politician who had connections with the mafia. She was constantly in fear, what for? not because of herself, she would die and get injured she would not care, but she did not want others getting hurt because of her. That is why once in her life she had found someone willing to protect her, someone, who was carrying a lot more load than her in life, Mingi... He had so much more things in his head, his own father, shot right in front of him, his mother who had passed after some years, and his little sister Sihyeon, whom he had to take care of. So much more after that... the whole gang he had to lead, betrayals, and all the distrust he had to endure from the others just because of his age. But his age gave him more experience than possible, and sometimes one cannot handle that much. 

" Guys, we should get going, Mingi and the others might be searching for us and I don't want to make him angry. "Said San as he awkwardly scratched his head. san understood one thing, in this situation, one thing Mingi most cherished was with him, walking right next to another man who might not be trusted, he had developed some good feelings for Trinity, not romantic, but definitely, some type of instinct told him in his head that she had to be protected at all costs.

Trinity nodded as they all turned left on the dimly lit alleyway and proceeded to enter an old Tteokbeoki shop, which acted like a coverup for the crew at that moment, a sweet lady answered the door as she nodded at the youngsters and let them through a back door. 

Hongjoong and Wooyoung were sitting on an old sofa, watching some TV show, while Mingi and Hongjoong's father together with San's father were discussing something. The three turned their heads as the others entered the apartment. Mingi stood there with his eyebrows slightly scrunching up, a cigarette dangling from his lips.  A puff escaped his pouted lips and he turned his back on everyone as he continued looking out of the balcony. 

" Anything new? " Trinity went up to him, placing her hand on his shoulder slightly, Mingi nodded his head slightly, looking out again, peacefully examining the port in front of him, how some ships were bringing in random containers to the shore. 

" See those ships right there? " Mingi pointed at some ships that were just departing the port. 

" Yeah! " Trinity squinted her eyes, trying to see where he was pointing at.

" Next Friday, those ships will ship potatoes into the country from Japan, the ship belongs to the man who is after you, Ishikawa. He is smuggling in some drugs with those potatoes, that is when we attack. He usually takes his most trusted men with him, the guards will be discarded everywhere around the area, but local gangs have bad blood with Ishikawa, so we contacted them for help. So we're not really alone, neither outnumbered when we will be there. " Mingi blew another puff out of his mouth and threw the cigarette off the balcony, watching it fall and disappear somewhere. 

" But it won't be easy, anyways, so that is why you will stay home with Wooyoung as he will be our eye. " Trinity shook her head, smiling slightly, she would definitely not let him go alone without her there, she had to be there,  for her reasons as well. 

" I, unfortunately, cannot do that, I have my family's pride to protect " Trinity leaned on the railing with her back, looking at Mingi in the face.

" I did not ask, I actually command you to stay home, and no, I will not discuss this with you any further. "  Mingi looked at her dead in the eyes, as he turned around and went to another room disappearing in the small apartment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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