The Mystery Story (p.2)

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" so the sentence "die sind nach dir" means that they are after you! But who is after her! " Mingi and San were discussing the girl's conversation with the translator Yunho, who has been their friend for a long time and at the same time he was in the clan with his sister and brother.

" Guys you have no idea what I discovered!"  Wooyoung rushed in the kitchen bringing some stack of papers with him.
" She is the daughter of Gustav Schultz! "

Mingi raised his eyebrows at the excited boy, and scrunched them again.
" And that means ? "Asked San as he sat down besides Mingi and pulled Wooyoung on his lap.

" This guy is literally connected with our clan, Yunho the reason you know German is, because he has been with the clan for a long time now and he had offered the children free German education back in the days, one of the teachers he had brought it taught us math. " Wooyoung made a you-know-what-i-mean face and looked at Yunho when the tall boy spoke up.

" Oh! Right! I actually remember our teacher, but I actually don't remember the name of that guy, there must have been a reason why his name was hidden in the depths of our clan! Well I have to go, that girl seems pretty interesting and beautiful I must say! " Yunho smiled at the boys and they all nodded their heads, when all of a sudden Mingi slammed his hand loudly on the table and spoke out a stern and loud "yah" dismissing the group.

Don't even think about it. Those words ran in Mingi's head the whole day.

Tired Trinity threw the keys on the kitchen table stretching after finishing her exhausting working hours. She had classes in the second half of the day, so her working hours were in the first half. She sat down by the table with a glass of water and looked at the clock, she still had two hours left. For a second she looked at her phone, maybe waiting someone's call or something, somekind of a notification to come. She took the phone in her hands and started playing with it, moving it around and not looking at it.

All of a sudden she dropped her phone, the phone was not so new so it shattered into pieces, Trinity's eyes widened as she looked at her phone. The screen was okay but the battery literally flew out of the phone. She looked around for the parts of the phone when she saw something black near the battery. It had a skull shaped illustration on, she examined the little piece when she knew exactly who she had to slap the shit out of.

" Yah! Hongjoong hyung! I lost the connection with the microchip! Shit! And I actually thought it would last longer! " San sighed out, showing Hongjoong the signal lost sign that shone on his phone in bright red.

" Well! At least we had a chance of a life time to listen to her conversation! "

I am going to slap the shit out of
your friend, just wait!

Hongjoong widened his eyes as he read the message. She had found out it was them. He gulped and looked at innocent San who was pouting for himself, showing off his dimples.

" San! You better not go to university this evening! "

" Why?" He asked smiling at his older friend. Hongjoong gave his phone to him and his eyes widened when he saw the text.

" Oh shit! She knows! " San's scared scream could be heard in the neighbouring building.

" Dude not only are you but, we are also screwed. What if she tells her father? He is definitely going to complain to the clan and than your father's gonna redden up your ass. Oh my! " Wooyoung shook head and sighed out, San still terrified, had his hands in his hair, pulling at them and muttering curse words silently.

The sky was turning a beautiful purple and pink, coloring the clouds and the windows in a beautiful hue, she actually for once enjoyed the evening, but she would still best up a certain kid, she swore she would get her hands on the boy. For once the girl didn't want to go to university and sit trough a long seminar. She would rather just ditch and walk around, but she needed the credits and she needed them very badly to pass the class and get an actual degree.

" What a beautiful view, huh? " A tall.boy stood next to her as she had been admiring the view from outside of the building's entrance. She scrunched her eyebrows and looked slowly to her right. She didn't answer, but just looked at him, trying to read what kind of a crap was going on his head.

" Did you enjoy, listening to me and my dad? Judging by your behaviour you must already know THAT I know everything, 개새끼야! " (Son of a dog)

" Yah! Who are you calling that? It is not my fault that you started digging in my info and my background, I had to make sure who the fuck you were! You were too interested, I couldn't risk it! "
He retorted back, making a disgusted face at her.

" You could have dug in my info, but not listen to my private talk with my dad! Did I ever listen to your conversations or eavesdropped on you? Huh? - AUCH! " Trinity's hand quickly flew to her forehead from the pain, Mingi had flicked his finger on her head.

" Just shut up and come with me! We are ditching the class!" Mingi grabbed her by the hand and dragged her over the empty campus. Her legs trying to keep up with his pace.

The two could be seen in a convenience store in Gangnam-gu, a sulky girl standing next to a tall boy with slicked back hair and a stern face, he was commanding something to her, flapping his arms around her.

" I can't believe we are sitting here in the Bundang Park when we were just in Gangnam-gu. " Complained Trinity as she slurped on her instant ramyeon.
The sun had set and the two were sitting on a bench in a more secluded area of the park, enjoying some ramyoen and beer, just as Mingi insisted.

" I don't want you to think bad of me! " Mingi told her and looked in the void, avoiding her eyes.
" I know you are interested and also scared for your father and your family. But I was also scared! " He calmly replied to her again, poking the noodles in his cup.

" Is it true? " She looked away, looking at her shoes.

" The one with my father? Yeah! I am still searching off that bastard that shot him, I remember his face very well! " He clenched his jaw angrily.

" My father was never really bad, but when the seven childhood friends decided to create a clan he didn't know it would go as far as now! One of the friends who didn't really take part in the clan stepped away from the seven and decided to become a police officer. He is now one of the main detectives in the Seoul police department. Heo Hyungsik. My father had decided to not get involved in the clan's business and every other one respected him for that! But that bloodthirsty bastard once knocked on our door and shot my dad. I still remember that day, my father was watching a documentary about tigers with me! " He sniffled and put up his sleeve to his eyes.

" I am so sorry! I shouldn't have dug too deep, it was not my business and I apologize for that! " She looked concerned at him and made him look at her by bringing her hands to his face.

" No more secrets from now on! Okay? I promise! "

" Promise!" He smiled at her and carrassed her hand which was to on his warm face.

This world was so cruel, these children were just victims to it's terrible side.

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