Sunny Busan

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The expression on Mingi's face when he is woken up on 6 am is that of a killer. Everyone knew just how much he hated getting up early in the morning for the university and now he would have to do it for the next two weeks.

But the whole group did not really mind that at all as Busan was a great destination for the Summer, shiny blue sea and amazing beaches, filled with amazing clubs, bars and other amazing restaurants that offered even better dishes than any elite Seoul restaurant that Mingi had ever dined in.

" Mingi I swear get your ass up or I will drag you myself, don't try me. And wake up Yeosang and San, too. " Trinity shouted out of her separate room as an annoyed Mingi covered his ears with his pillow. Cannot believe she is staying over with us

Mingi dragged his long body, dragging and wobbling to a separate room to wake up San, he shared a room with Wooyoung but he had already left with his father several hours ago.

" San wake up! " Mingi sloppily wobbled over to San's bed and shook the bed until the latter boy stirred in his sleep and groaned.

"Where is Yeos-, oh my god you just did not walk around the house half naked dude! " Mingi scrunched his nose as Yeosang came out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his body.

"Shut the fuck up dog face and get ready! I am already cursed enough to spend the next two weeks and maybe more with you! "Yeosang spat back the room turned into a fighting ring as both of them threw each other various cuss words.

" Hey, hey hey, get your shit together guys and get ready, I swear. You guys are like bunch of children. " Trinity entered the room and the three of them went to their own things. San still trying to stand up was dragged by Trinity out of the room by his collar.

" Trinity, ya I can go to bathroom myself. " San squealed as he stood up finally freeing himself from a much stronger grip of Trinity.

" I have spent enough time with you to know, just your tooth brushing will need at least an hour San, it's already 6:30 and we must be at the station at least at 8:45. GET READY! " Trinity shouted one last time in the whole house as she herself went to her room to pick out an outfit for such a hot sunny day.

Mingi went into the bathroom first, looking at his tall built body and his harsh expression that a once happy, smiley boy developed. He thought maybe, maybe now in this decade, when he would finally pay revenge for his father his smile will return and he will be back to his old self. His old Mingi, who used to love living.

A simple short black shorts and a long red oversized t-shirt, which trinity probably stole from one of the boys made Mingi swear he was not feeling okay. Trinity brushed her hair one last time and touched up her natural make up before she opened the door for the three boys.

She signed them to go out with her hand and they all dragged their suitcases outside. The sun shone bright in their eyes, the light could give someone a headache.

" Its 8 o clock already we need to hurry come on! " Mingi all of a sudden shouted out to the others as they were descending from the stairs.

" How can you handle this ass as your boyfriend? " Yeosang nudged Trinity all of a sudden, she got startled and gave Yeosang a perplexed look.

" Me and Mingi are not together! " Trinity widened her eyes at Yeosang.

" You are not? How come then everytime I get close to you he throws daggers at me? " Yeosang all of a sudden grabbed Trinity's hand and with his head he signaled her to take a look at Mingi.

He in fact was not just throwing daggers at Yeosang, he had murdered revived and murdered Yeosang all over again several times in his head, each time more and more brutal way. But when he looked at Trinity's confused face he quickly looked away and darted his eyes around as he and San approached the ticket booth. 

Why was Mingi ever feeling this way towards her? Sure there might have been some liking but it was very small and he did not really think Trinity was his type. He thought he and Trinity could never even be together. Why was he even thinking about such thing? Why is he even imagining them being together?

" Well, don't worry, Nini, he will be the first to approach you! " Yeosang smiled at Trinity and with a weird feeling left her to catch up with the two boys.

Trinity's face heat up all of a sudden at the new nickname. Scratch that, no one had ever given her a nickname before except her father, so getting it from someone else was very confusing and flattering. Nini

Once Yeosang caught up to the two, he stood next to Mingi, they both exchanged deadly stares. Mingi clenched his jaw at Yeosang and stood tall in his position. Yeosang just smirked up to him, shaking his head. He pushed San gently with his shoulder to speak with the booth lady.

This is going to be fun....

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