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Melody Eaton. Well that's my name. Daughter of Marcus? Yes. Is it the Marcus with "Rumours" of being abusive? Yes and those "Rumours" are true. The choosing ceremony will be my escape and I know exactly where I'm going.


Why? Maybe because my brother is there and because I probably don't belong anywhere else. I'm not selfless enough to stay in Abnegation and my father is another reason why I can't stay and I think he knows that too.

I'd end up factionless if I chose Candor as there is no way I can tell the truth 24/7.

Amity seems fine being happy and peaceful all the time but it's too safe for my liking.

I am some what clever for erudite but not enough and I do not have a thirst for knowledge.
Okay, maybe that's a little white lie. I do love fiction books, and I suppose I am a bit too curious for my own good.  I won't be surprised if my curiousity kills me, just like the cat. Poor, poor kitty.

So that leaves Dauntless.I've always found something intriguing about them. How they're so daring and carefree doing what others fear to do. Dauntless actually live life to the fullest and being Dauntless seems like no two days can be the same.

But is dauntless me? I've never been bold enough to take such huge risks. I have taken risks, but this is just a whole other level of risks; I could actually die this time. It isn't a game.

Break - Eric DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now