Chapter 7

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I woke up with a startle as an agonising cry filled my ears. My ears scoured the room but everyone seemed at peace, sleeping. My eyes were too alert to shut again and my mind didn't want to return to the world that I'd be pulled into when I shut me eyes.

Right now I have no idea what's worse. Being awake, or being asleep.

I ran a hand through my hair that was now in tangles, breathing in and out. In and out. My hair was never really in tangles. Oh well.

Silently I crept out of the room and into the cool corridor that helped calm me down a little. At this rate, these nightmares, keeping me up won't do me no good.

I rubbed my arms warming myself up and getting rid of the goosebumps. "Stiff" Someone called out behind me. That someone, was Eric.

"Hey" I replied in a gentle voice before remembering he was a tough, scary, Dauntless leader so I mentally face palmed myself.

"Care to explain what you're doing in the middle of the night out here?" I pulled my sleeves over my hands, trying to think up of a reply. "Erm..." I mumbled dropping my gaze like I often do.

He walked right up to me, hardly any space between us. He moved hair away from the side of my neck and traced his fingers over it.

Before I could process what was going on, I heard a grunt coming from the wall next to me and my eyes followed it landing on Eric pushed against the wall by Four. A snicker came from Eric which only raged Four even more.

"Four" My voice called out weakly and drained as I placed the hair back over my neck. He ignored me. He forced his elbow into Eric's throat.

"Four" I called out steadily taking a step towards him. He let go of Eric and faced me, his face burning. "What did he do?" His voice made me uncomfortable, causing me to take a step back.

"Nothing" I muttered bowing my head and taking another step back. My actions probably spoke the opposite of my words there. Oops.

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair and let out a deep sigh.

"What are you doing?" He murmured, more to himself than to me. When he saw my confused face he added, "Out here, and not sleeping" He verified.

"Nightmare" I told him. "For how long?" He asked worriedly, forgetting Eric was here I think. I shrugged lightly. "Every night since you left" I replied honestly, deciding it best to keep out the fact that the first good sleep I had in a while was when I was with Eric. Eric. I glanced at him who watched our conversation yet again with amusement.

"Try and get some sleep yeah?" He told, although he knew that I wouldn't be able to but he had no other solution. He gave Eric a deathly glare before continuing down the corridor.

"You're sleeping with me" Eric confirmed once Four was out of hearing sight. I gave him a blank look urging him to tell me more.

"We both know you didn't have no nightmares when you slept with me" He said smugly. "How come you don't want me to have any nightmares?" He just gave me a devious smile that made me shudder.

"Come on" He directed, placing his hand on my small fragile back, leading me towards his room. I knew that even if I tried to object, he'd still get me in his bed somehow and although I knew I would have a good night's sleep, I still felt highly uncomfortable.

Once we were in his room he nodded me over to the bed so I walked to the side of it, to find the broken glass still there. I shook my head in disappointment like my mother would have done when I or Tobias had done something that she didn't like yet she would smile it away anyway.

Break - Eric DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now