Chapter 9

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A/N the pictures on the side with quotes on all mean something. Not just done it out of boredom x


I KNOW YOU!" My lungs shouted out through my mouth before my hand clasped over it.

But I recognised one of the guys stood in the center of a room full of computers and screens except I didn't fully recognise him. A control room. I didn't mean to cut Matthew off but the guy I recognised, turned his head around and gave a pleased and satisfied look at the pair of us.

"Melody" He greeted respectfully coming up towards us, hands in pockets and head tilted upright. What was his name now?

Oh yes. David!

"Why and how do I know you?" I asked confused just as he had opened his mouth to speak. He grinned at me and ruffled his brown hair with streaks of grey taking in a deep breath and postured as if to start a lecture.

"I figured you'd be stronger than the memory wipe" He said turning his back on us with his hands clasped behind his back and focused back on the screens across the room. I instantly noticed the screens were monitoring the city. Mycity.

Wait memory wipe? Maybe that's why this place seems familiar I suppose. But why did they wipe my memory?

So this is what Four's daily job is. Watching people. Although I know it's all for a good reason, it just feels weird knowing I've been watched my whole life. I shuddered at the thought of the things they may have seen. Like the acts of Marcus but I highly doubt that there would be cameras in houses as that takes personal space to another level.

On the screens right now was the city waking. Dawn was rising for her time to shine. I searched for the screens with Dauntless on it and when my eyes laid on them, my stomach twisted. And not in a good way.

I felt my stomach tearing in two. One half afraid, and the other half wanting to puke.

The half of me that wanted to puke had caught sight of Four having a tongue war with some girl that I recognised as Tris from her hair. It was just all sickly the way they were touching each other, and I'm surprised that they're even doing this considering that they're both from Abnegation where there's hardly any contact at all whatsoever! Come to think of it, the most abnegation do is just smile lightly but to me those smiles lost their meaning a long time ago. Too much of something is bad for you.

At least it distracted me from the other sight but now my eyes had landed onto that screen once again unintentionally. It was Eric and it wasn't the sight of him that made me afraid, but more of what it was he was doing.

"She was divergent" the lady commented factually with no hint of sympathy in her voice.

She was observing the Dauntless screens referring to the girl that lay dead on the ground, drowning in a pool of her own bed in the darkest, dungeon resembling part of the alleyway - what with the creepy sinister walls and everything.

Claws were tearing away inside me. The girl was too young, she looked 8 or something and as she just lay there, helpless and dead, she appeared even younger with no guilt on her face. Instead she was an angel. How could Eric muster to kill a young child? A harmless child that had done nothing wrong to him.

I wanted to turn away from the screen but my whole body was paralysed, frozen like a statue as my eyes watched Eric walk away and some dauntless men came to sort out what to do with the body. I couldn't watch what they would do to her so decided to follow Eric with my eyes and as he disappeared out of view from this camera, I looked onto the next screen that showed where he was heading.

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