Chapter 17 - Part 1

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A/N Chapter 16 isn't exactly finished yet so i'm going to go back to it later when I have ideas for it xxx


"What?" I hiss at Eric eventually, only because I had gotten annoyed at him for kicking me under the meeting table repeatedly.

He just smirks at me pleased about something so I turn my head back to the front, trying to concentrate on Jeanine Matthews' lecture about the plan that I had heard for the millionth time. I do hear the sound of her voice but it sounds alienated, probably because Eric has miraculously turned into a child - during the time I had been gone on the walk with Cole (Mr Everdeen) and discovered what was in the briefcase - and he doesn't seem to want to grow up.

"Kick me one more time and I'll cut your dick off" I whispered brusquely, whipping my head round yet again to face Eric who was unfortunately sat right next to me. Eric didn't seem hazed and instead, he completely ignored me and looked past me. Confused I followed his eyes until I was met with a menacing pair that belonged to Jeanine. I made a mental note to make Eric pay, somehow.

"I'm sorry, was I was interrupting something there?" She says in that evil, kind tone. I feel like a school kid again, being scolded at by the teacher and I get all nervous and want to say something back or run out but just don't have the guts to do so. I still don't.

Blood rushed to my cheeks and I didn't even have to feel them to know they were on fire. Without removing my gaze, I shook my head from side to side, not trusting my voice.

I sneak a glance at Eric, and see him rested back in his chair, arms folded and that bored expression back on his face. When he meets my eyes, he gives a winsome smile which I quickly dismiss as I turn back to Jeanine who has gotten back to rounding off her lecture.

"I want every divergent hunted down and killed" I catch her final phrases. The way she makes us sound like animals! Wild animals that don't belong here. The comparison of us humans compared to animals makes bile rise in my throat. I feel like hunting her down and killing her! But that would only strengthen her point from what she sees of it. But I'm not a murderer.

"Every. Single. One" And with that she leaves, followed by here prissy round up of merry men and women.

If only she knew, I thought. Would she kill me if she found out? Most likely seeing as I don't see anything stopping her. Better keep my mouth shut and just stick to the grim shadows. They can't be that grim if I've spent the majority of my life in them, but maybe they can which is why I chose this new life. New beginning.

Gradually people began removing themselves from the table and wandering off to whatever it is that I don't care about.

I walk out the door, not knowing what to do now. Nothing really pulls me magnetically to it at the very moment but I begin walking aimlessly anyway.

"Melody" My ears catch the sound of my name rolling off Eric's tongue. A shiver runs down my arms so I rub them warm until it dissolves. I don't know whether to continue on and ignore him or stop and listen. I feel myself drifting into my first few encounters of when I met Eric: wobbly at the knees, dizzy and floaty in the head, tied to him by a thin piece of string that is stronger that steel.

His feet pick up pace, by the sounds of his heavy boots rattling against the floorboards. How fast had I been walking? Realising how much I was rushing, I automatically slow down with no idea why I didn't just continue on.

"Where are you going?" he asks curiously, his husky voice sending earthquakes into my brain. He's so close now that I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"Nowhere" I say in a timid voice, feeling my posture drop into one of a demure woman.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I jo-"

"Leave me alone!" I snap, coming to an abrupt stop and lashing my body round to face him. Why does he have to be so annoying? So stubborn, so immature, so urgghhh!

Frustrated, I turn back around and run a hand through my hair as I imagine him just leaving it and disappearing.

"I think we both know that's not going to happen" He chuckled, instantly snaking his arm around my back and gripping my waist. Taken aback by his actions I was about to have another go at him, till I noticed Four walking down and when he caught sight of us, he pretended like we didn't exist. The second Four had walked past, I hastily ripped myself out of Eric's grip and began to speed up yet again.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at?" My voice threatening to crack so it comes out as a whisper. Instead of answering me with words, he grabs my wrist and forcefully pulls me along and the more I try to pry my wrist free, the tighter and rougher he gets.

"Now I get why your father abused you" I hear him mutter making me freeze dead in my tracks and tears prick the back of my eyes. I'd rather be stabbed with a cactus than stare at him any longer. Actually I'd rather become factionless than be anywhere near Eric again.

"You know nothing!" My tongue sparks, hissing behind my gritted teeth and my eyes become narrower yet I still see just enough, except my vision becomes blurry as tears dwell up in my eyes that I try to hide behind my eyelids and force them to sink back in or dry out.

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