Chapter 4 - Surprise

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I must have fallen asleep because I found myself on the floor waking to the sound of heavy feet proding the floor walking towards me. My eyes opened to see two pairs of feet beside me so reluctantly I got up to my feet and met eye to eye with my brother.

"Morning" I said stiffling a yawn and took the muffin from his hand. He opened his mouth to speak but then shut it again.

"Is this what you do know? Steal peoples food?" He said lowering his eyebrows with a hint of amusement in his smile.

"I think its one of the many things you should be Stiff" Eric said from Four's side.

"Ummhmm" I said lifting my eyebrows with a half bothered look.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Four asked pinching some of my muffin. I just moved my gaze to Eric who glared at me in return while Four looked at him expectantly.

"You two know each other?" Eric asked intrigued.

"Stop changing the subject. It's bad for your health" I added with a smirk and if looks could kill, then I'd be dead by now like a melted pool of butter on the ground. Four just sighed at the pair of us and facepalmed himself.

"Go get ready and meet us in the Pit in two minutes with the other initiates" He scolded pushing me along on my way. I was about to object but I was already out the way and he was making his way back to Eric so I took a bite out of my muffin and went my way.


We all made our way into the Pit as instructed and waiting there already for us was Four and Eric sat on a giant white slate style seat. Four immediately got up and began explaining the stages of initiation about the physical and mental.

"You'll be training seperately from the Dauntless born but you'll be ranked together" The majority of us looked over at the Dauntless born to the side of us that seemed relaxed just sat there.

"After initation rankings will determine what jobs you move in to" He spoke pacing back and forth infront of us.

"Leadership, guarding the fence and keeping the factionless from killing each other"

"The rankings also determines who gets cut" Eric's voice echoed after Four appeared to have finished. I kept repeating his sentence over and over again in my head and looking around, pretty much everyone had a confused and worried look on their faces.

"Cut?" Christina spoke up for us all.

"At the end of each stage of training, the lowest ranking initiates will be leaving us" He replied standing up and walked towards us boredly.

"To do what?" Al asked stupidly though he probably knew the answer just needed confirmation.

"There's no going home to your families, so you live factionless" He confirmed what we were all thinking.

"Well why didn't we know that?" Will asked our thoughts this time.

"It's a new rule" His voice now getting annoyed with all the questions fired at him.

"A new rule? Well somebody should have told us that" Christina spoke her mind. The curse of being from Candor I suppose; always saying the first thing that pops into your head.

"Why? Would you have chosen differently?" Probably, I answered to myself. As much as I was hearing his words clearly they weren't making much sense as I was too drawn to his face, his lips moving. There was something captivating about them. But there was nothing else under the appearances that were valuable. He was just another empty capsule.

"Out of fear?" His voice now lowered but with more effect in them now. "I mean if that's the case, you might as well get out now." Nobody moved a muscle. "If you're really one of us then it won't matter to you that you fail" He continued.

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