Chapter 10

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At dinner I noticed that both Four and Eric were not present. And they weren't in their rooms either as I had gone to check before. I let it slip my mind for now.

I had forgotten how hungry I was until I had sat down with food in front of me. Savoury smells wafted around the room and I could already taste it without physically taking a bite.

I held my burger with both hands not taking it for granted at all. Mouth watering was the first bite. Exotically exploding my mouth was the second. Lighting me up with the crunching of the salad in it. Quenching my thirst with its juiciness. I felt like I was in another world.

By the time I had finished, I was bloated and rested my head on Christina's shoulder. She patted my head sympathetically.

"Have you guys seen Tris lately?" She spoke up to me, Will and Al. I hadn't even realised Tris was missing till now. Will and Al both had the same look on their faces as me: confused and guilty for not noticing earning a scolding look from Christina.

"She's your friend and you just forget about her" she exclaimed.

Will opened his mouth to say something but then his mouth was hung open in shock. Al's followed. Confused I followed their eyes to something behind me and my eyes landed on Eric walking in. Bruised and battered with a cold demonic look on his face that told everyone to stay back. No, it ordered or controlled everyone to stay back.

I gulped as our eyes locked once again. He kept his eyes plastered onto mine until he walked past sending an icy breeze nipping at my skin causing my to shudder. I turned back round to the table and noticed that it was just me he made shudder.

"What happened to him?" Al whispered. Only now had I took in that the room had fallen into an eery silent and all eyes were on Eric but they soon dropped away when he sat down at a table.

"There's your answer" Christina confirmed looking back to the doorway. As expected was Four in a similar state to Eric. I couldn't work out who was in a worse state.

Ididthis I thought. If it wasn't for me then they would both be fine. I pulled my gaze away from Four before he could look at me. I was afraid of what his eyes would say.

My hands began thrumming a beat away at the table to distract myself.

"Ohhh I remember where Tris is!" Christina face palmed herself.

"Hospital" She confirmed as we all got up to leave seeing as we were all done.

"How did we forget that?" Will questioned himself. Only now had I caught sight of all the bruises on all three of them.

Must've been another day of fighting I suppose. It seems like everyone I know is covered in injuries.

"Melody" Four's voice muttered as we came closer to the exist. He signalled for me to come over so I told the others I'd catch them up later before I went over to Four.

"What are you doing?" He asked irritated. I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't think of a response so stayed silent.

I looked around the room as Four stared at me probably wondering how is he going to look after me. Suddenly I regretted looking round the canteen as I locked eyes with Eric as per usual and he was summoning me over to him.

I glanced back at Four who had noticed Eric beckoning me over. I gave him an apologetic look as he rubbed his temple in frustration.

"Don't Melody" he scolded. I could see Marcus in his eyes.

"I'm fine" I told him slightly annoyed before walking off toward Eric. I don't know what it was that was pulling me to him like a magnetic force.

Wait, is he expecting me to sit with him and all the other Dauntless leaders? Its too late to turn back around now or I'd look like a right idiot.

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