Chapter 16 - The Other Experiment

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"So what would you like to know?" Mr Everdeen asked as we walked.

"You're a really giving me a free choice?" I asked confused. Only because most of the choices made during my life seemed like freedom choices but they weren't. Like the choosing ceremony for one: you have the choice to pick a faction, but not any other choice like no choice to not choose any or no choice to choose more than one.

He simply nodded, with a kind smile. He appeared to be someone I could trust easily but I didn't want to in case it was a trap as he is a dauntless leader.

I still don't know whether Eric was playing a game with me or if it was real.

Don't think about the past Melody. Just focus on the present.

"Ok. Erm... Why are they hunting divergent?"

Mr Everdeen took a deep breath before explaining, "Jeanine Matthews knows some vital information about Divergent that she doesn't want everyone finding out about.  Which is why she is plotting against Abnegation. Because the council were going to release that piece of information. She has her reasons and one of them is that she thinks she is keeping everyone safe and it's part of the human nature to avoid change."

It takes me a while to absorb what he just told me, now that I know it all more clearer and less muddled.

"Do you agree with all... This? The murdering of hundreds of lives?" I ask. I find myself genuinely asking him for his opinion however.

"No" he says after a while.

"Which is a reason I came here" he adds replacing the previous confusion that had been cleared with this new one.

"What do you mean?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, attempting to make sense of it all.

His eyes distantly scour the corridors for any passersby and when he feels satisfied with its emptiness, he continues.

"I was a volunteer. From the Bureau" I don't know whether to act if I know what the Bureau is or whether to play dumb.

"I know you know about the Bureau outside the fence Melody" he says clasping his hands behind his back, straightening his posture making him a venerable leader that made me proud to be dauntless.

What if this is his way of tricking me? Tell me everything I want to know so I tell him everything  he wants to know.

"Adrian informed me of it" he reassures, somehow regaining my trust.

"Why did you volunteer? I mean the Bureau is a better place than here by miles" I conclude.

"You've just answered your own question without realising" he smiles glancing at me. I felt like he was a teacher praising me which felt good.

I began to rethink my question and broke it up, swapping words about until it was a statement and not a question.

The Bureau is a better place than this city by miles so I'm guessing he came to make this place better. But I couldn't see what the main problem was.

"I still don't understand" I say shaking my head.

"Really?" He asks, digging into my brain for a deeper answer. I hate it when teachers to that: you answer a question but they want more and you don't know what that 'more' is.

"I'm guessing you came to make this a better place but I don't see what's wrong with it. Well I see the problems right now, but you've been a Dauntless member for years and there were hardly any problems back then"

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