Chapter 11

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"No" Eric stated as we almost reached the entrance into Erudite.

"No?" I repeated, confused at why he said no and why he held back till almost the very last minute.

"Because I said so. Now come on" Eric confirmed pulling my away but I yanked my arm out of his grip before he could get a full grip on me.

"No", this time it was my turn. "Since when were you the one in charge of my decisions?" the words rolled off my tongue with no hesitation.

"Since this piece of information is a life of death situation!" He snapped back. I wanted to shout back at him but what good would that do? It wouldn't and instead would cause things to escalade into a larger problem which honestly wasn't necessary.

I let out a deep breath and massaged my temple.

"I'm sorry but she does have a right to know" Luna's timid voice chirped up.

"Its fine Lu" I assured her but she didn't seem to believe me.

"No its not. You need to know and if he won't tell you, then I will!" She confirmed stubbornly. Now I began to see a slight resemblance in Luna from her sister.

This time it was Eric's turn to rub his temple before looking back up at us.

"I'll tell her after Visiting Day" Eric compromised.

"Why not tell her today? Why the wait?" I could see that Luna was pushing Eric to lash out.

"Why is it any of your business?" He growled. "And I'm not going to sit around and take orders from a bloody know-it-all!" He sneered turning his back on us and stomping off, running a hand through his velvet soft hair.

"Are you coming or not?" He whipped his head round and stated directly at me. I mouthed sorry to Luna and gave her an apologetic look before going after Eric, half jogging, half walking.

I turned round to see Luna give me a kind smile which I returned gratefully before seeing her turn round and disappear into the Erudite building.

We walked in utter silence. I couldn't describe it as speaking would ruin it but also saying nothing made it uneasy.

Continuously, every time the back of our hands grazed against each other, my stomach flipped so I pulled my jacket tighter around me with my left hand.

I don't know why I was suddenly so nervous. Eric's presence alone brought new feelings to me, half of which I didn't understand.

And what confused my feelings even more was when Eric called me his girlfriend earlier on to Luna, full of pride and confidence. I don't know if that's just part of an act he's probably playing or if he actually meant it. Maybe that's why I was so nervous. Not wanting to do anything wrong in case it sent the wrong message.

Breathing in the air that filled me with new hope, I took the risk and reached for his hand. His body tensed at the action but as we continued to walk along the train tracks, he relaxed a little more and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

Everything seemed to be frozen like a picture; perfect like a picture. The wind whipped around us, whistling every now and then but that appeared to be the only thing moving and the only thing making a sound apart from us. At times I even felt as though we weren't moving and got so lost and drawn into the moment.

"I'm sorry" Eric muttered, barely audible and easily mistaken as a heavy breathe but I heard him. Loud and clear.

"You just had to didn't you" I shook my head at him in disappointment. As I looked up at him, I saw he was looking down on me with a confused expression.

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