Chapter 12 - Visiting Day

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"Do you think he'll come?" I asked Four who was leant against the railing by the chasm that I was sat upon, watching all the other reunions take place.

"I doubt it." He said. "I mean, he didn't come to mine, did he?" He confirmed. "I remember most people fussing over you and how cute you were when you came instead though" He smiled staring off.

"What happened Melody?" He turned back to me earning a kick in the shin only causing him to chuckle before he turned back to observe the crowd.

"ooh we got guests" I whispered to him when I caught Tris and her mother coming towards us.

"Hello, my name is Natalie. I'm Beatrice's mother" she introduces herself shaking Tobias' hand. It seems alien to me; Abnegation using contact.

"Four. It's nice to meet you" he replies and shocks me by nudging my shoulder motioning me to do the same.

"Melody" she notifies with a kind smile which I return as we shake hands. Strangely it seems more natural for me than it does for Tobias.

"Four..." She seems to be in thought. "Is that a nickname?"

"Yes" He states not wanting to go any further in depth.

I zone out from there as it's all just chit chat but I get pulled back in when Tris' mother says something that catches me, "You look familiar for some reason Four" she narrows her eyes, trying to remember as she looks between me and him.

"I can't imagine why" his voice suddenly harsh and cold so I kick him and he gets the message so smiles gently.

He then continues to speak, "I don't make a habit of associating with the Abnegation".

Tris' mother gives a light laugh. "Few people do these days. I don't take it personally"

"Neither do I!" I say saluting earning a glare from Tobias telling me to quieten down but also relaxes a little.

"Well, we'll leave you to your reunion" he says motioning me to follow.

"Oh Melody?" She speaks though she's just remembered something vital. I come to a halt as does Tobias and we turn back round to her.

"Your father says to tell you he'll be a little late" she informs before her and Tris walk away.

I turn to Tobias only to see he has the same look on his face as me.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost" Eric's voice says from behind us.

"You don't have to see him" Tobias says gently, half ignoring Eric. "I don't know" I say unsurely running a hand through my hair and I don't know who's question I just answered.

"Well he'll be late so you have got a little time" Tobias attempts to ease it.

Why does he want to see me? Why is he late? All I can think is why?

"You alright?" Eric asks, a hint of concern in his voice but I don't know if that's just my imagination.

"Yeah" I say brushing everything from. "I'm fine" I confirm with a smile, turning my gaze over to the chasm loosing myself into its beauty.

I hear footsteps walk away and when I look back I see both Tobias ad Eric have gone, probably dragged away to inform a family of their son's/daughter's progress or what not.

Everyone seems so happy to be reunited with their families. I wish it was the same for me but you don't always get what you want in life I guess. But is something always really better that nothing?

Maybe I'd feel better with no parents. It would be a huge waste lifted off my shoulders no doubt. No longer having to fear him because I know he wouldn't be able to get me when he's 6ft under.

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