Chapter 13

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"Melody" Tobias called out tapping the clipboard against his and just as two people carried Molly out who was shaking horribly.

Pushing myself off the wall that had been killing me for the past hour or so I walked into the room that looked similar to the aptitude test room but without the mirrors.

"Four shut the door behind me and went to fill a syringe with a fluid.

"Take a seat" he stated not glancing up.

"What's that?" I asked referring to the syringe in his hand.

"Basically I can see your fears" I mouthed an O before relaxing into the seat.

"What's up?" I asked. He was hardly speaking and seemed to be avoiding me.

"Nothing" he assured with a tight smile trying to make it natural. "Tell me if this hurts" he said and before I could ask if what hurts, a prick pinched my neck and I imagined feeling the liquid running inside of me even though I couldn't.

I didn't realise I had closed my eyes until I felt myself opening them and found myself in a densely crowded space.

I didn't recognise any of the people but at the same time I did. It was like in a dream when you see someone that you've never seen in real life before but you know them in your dream.

Smells of exotic perfumes and terrible stenches filled my nose from everywhere and I didn't know which way to go as everyone was going all over.

My body was being pushed back and forth as people barged past me or into me and all I wanted to do was disappear when I noticed that everyone was happy and chatting with others. Everyone in their own groups and there I was stood: alone.

I tried to push myself out of this crowd but the more. I pushed, the louder everyone's voices got. Hands to my ears, I attempted yet again to get out of this place where I didn't belong and wanted to rather be alone. Seeing it was hopeless, I crouched down until I was sat on the ground wishing it would just swallow me up and away from this nightmare.

Nightmare. If this is a nightmare and not real then the ground can really swallow me up if that's what I want it to do. Slowly, I pressed my hand into the white tiled floor and saw the floor sink a little and lost sight of the people around me. Relieved, I pushed my whole arm in and felt my hand grip onto something at the other end which pulled me through.

I let out a little laugh and a sigh of relief which soon drowned out like water going down the sink when I saw my hand was attached to another's. Planted to the ground were my knees and my throat was screaming out to the child that I was holding onto for dear life but I heard no sound leave my lips even though I felt the strain on my neck. I looked at the helpless child and the face seemed so familiar. I dug out where I had seen her before and then remembered seeing her through the eyes of a camera, lying dead on the ground and just as I had remembered that, I felt a glass separating me from her. I slammed my fists into the glass, trying to break it, not wanting to loose her again as I saw her fighting to get back to me but something was pulling her back.


A voice whispered in my head and that was when I saw what was pulling her from me. I saw myself holding a gun to the little girl's head and with my next blink I looked down and saw the trigger in my hand.


I replied to the voice in my head and shot myself instead remembering this wasn't real so in fact I wouldn't die.

Removing the shield I made with my arms, I reached out to the cold floor. I was back here after I thought I'd escaped.


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