Prologue (Sneak Peek Really)

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"Get your filthy hands off me you creep!" I yelled trying to yank my arm out of his tight grasp. Any tighter and I'd squirm in pain as I wasn't exactly the strongest of people. Well compared to most of Dauntless.

"And why would I do that?" He responded firmly as he raised an eyebrow cockily. I made sure to glare straight into his eyes to show him I wasn’t afraid of him.

"Stop fighting me" He growled. The hunger in his voice trembled the little space of air in between us and when it made impact with my bare skin, I felt like a huge icy cold electric bolt had struck my spine.

I clenched my eyes shut and sucked in a huge gallon of air as his grip firmed around my arm. He twisted my wrist painfully causing me to turn my back to him so my arm was bent behind my back. Something cold and solid dug into the side of my head. It was a gun and I knew he wouldn’t think twice before shooting if I pushed him too far but he was resisting the temptation to kill me because he needed me.

"I don't like games" He growled into my ear sending unwanted shivers over me.

"You mean you don't like losing" I hissed through my gritted teeth.

“Let’s go for a little walk” He decided pushing me forward but I denied to move.

“You’re only make this worse for you” He sighed. No I wasn’t. Was I? I couldn’t be. I figured he took my silence for an answer and I felt my head lighter. I let out a silent sigh of relief as I realised he had removed the gun.

“Are you going to walk?” He questioned, tightening his grip on me like a noose that was impossible to loosen. I pursed my lips together, staying silent.

My silence earned me a thin, sharp, freezing metal object pressed against my stomach, piercing through my top easily with its teeth.

He grumbled something that I didn’t quite make out as he pulled the dagger across my top then brought it back to the beginning pressing in deeper so it was now touching my flesh of skin, visible to the dagger. The chillness of the blade began to fade gradually but everything else around me was getting colder as the wind was now punching me backwards.

"So you're not afraid?" He replied smugly as if he knew that I was afraid. I stayed silent as the dagger broke my skin barrier and a warm trickle of blood oozed out as I gasped out, not giving him the satisfaction of begging him to stop or scream out in agony.

"Afraid of what?" My voice snarled at him the best it could giving the complications of the situation I was in at the moment.

"You're afraid of so many little things," He referred to my fear landscape that he had seen since he was a Dauntless leader. I could sense the smirk on his face as he spoke but it faltered away with whatever it was he was going to say next.

"But your biggest fear" He paused only to push the blade further into my stomach letting more blood flood out onto my black clothes. I couldn't tell if it would stain brightly or not as my surroundings were dark considering it was nightfall.

"Your biggest fear" He repeated in a more hushed, yet sinister tone leaving me clinging on to his every word as I was dreading what he was going to say. Or show...

I hadn't realise I was holding my breath in till he removed the dagger off my skin and put it back where he pulled it out off. His head lowered down beside mine till it was just hovering beside my ear. I knew I could've done something with one arm free yet his presense made it impossible to do so. It wasn't his grip on me that kept me where I was but his words.

That one sentence. It meant nothing to me yet it affected me as though it meant everything. As though my whole life depended on it. As though without it, I was nothing. Nobody.

A brutal force shot up my body from my arm as I landed onto something hard and rough. My whole body was screaming in agony like I was burning, yet my mind wasn't responding with what was going on.

Then I realised that he had let go off me and let me fall. Well why would he save me anyway? My body lay there motionless on the ground. I hadn't the strength to turn around and face him. Those words burned as if a part of me had been ripped out. All my skills seemed pretty useless now.

I tried heaving myself up but the most agonising, ruthless and unbearable pain struck my stomach. The pain was taking over me and there was nothing I could do to stop it no matter how hard I tried as I clutched my stomach begging it to go away with all my life. My eyes began to flutter shut getting heavy.

The pain was all over my body now, attacking every cell. My throat wasn't co-operating with my body and neither was my brain. Why couldn't it just stop!

“I should’ve just made you pass out in the beginning” I heard him say before darkness took over me.

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