Chapter 19 - Return

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Max assigned us all to different carriages, randomly I guess and coincidentally, I ended up on the carriage with Tobias on it.

I felt his eyes on my at all times as I maneuvered my way around the train just to check everything was fine and seemed to be running perfectly apart from Tris sneaking to Tobias' side, perhaps thinking I couldn't see but I did, blatantly.

Giving up the staring contest I was having with Tobias, I decided to go to him and maybe have a small chance of explaining myself.

Weaving in and out of the tightly compressed soldiers was slightly difficult but not as hard as it was for Tris because it's safe for me to move drastically and not die.

When I saw Tris next to him before I could get to him triggered the jealousy inside me and right at this moment I didn't care if she got hurt or even if she died and wished that she would when they find out she's Divergent.

Wait, Tris is divergent? No wonder there was something going on between her and Tobias. I just wonder why I hadn't noticed it earlier.

Now I find myself standing in front of Tobias and Tris. I see that Tris is still pretending to be under the simulation.

"Soo..." I begin awkwardly, shifting on the balls of my feet with my hands clasped together then. "Are you two together?" I move my eyes over to Tris and I see nervousness and concealment on her face.

"Are you and Eric together?" Tobias asks, the only thing moving were his lips and the rest of him appeared to be like everyone else around us. Not even his eyes were on me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I comment on his harsh tone upon Eric's name.

Tobias finally looks at me but it's a glare that I'd rather not have. Something in that look makes me feel guilty. The guilt causes me to lower my head in shame as I feel as though I've disappointed Four and I don't even known how.
I even find it strange at how on certain moments, I'll call him by different names and the mood can change quickly.

"Tris you can drop the act now" I say tilting my head at an angle when I remember that she's still here. Unfortunately. Do I actually hate this person that's meant to be one of my close friends?

The answer is yes. Though I don't know why, but it feels obvious.

My gaze drops to their hands intertwined together and I catch Four give her a reassuring squeeze.

"She won't kill you" he says nonchalantly, "She won't kill anyone"

"How come you never told us about Eric?" Is the first question she throws at me.

"She doesn't trust you" Four answers for me.

"You've known me for years Melody" she says in a hushed tone, probably afraid of getting shot at by some soldier reflexing by the sound of her voice.

"No, not really" I say shaking my head.

"Well you've actually known me for weeks then" she changes her statement.

"It takes over a year for her to trust you fully" Four answers for me yet again, annoyingly in a way. Something about his tone sounds off, like I've done something to hurt him.

"What is the matter with you?" My sentence becomes to drown out by the sound of tumbling feet like galloping horses, signalling to me that people are jumping off the trains.

I don't give time for Four to answer and I doubt anyway that he would've answered to my content and I suddenly felt that nobody could placate me at this moment as I stood at the door, making sure not to leave until everyone had filed out orderly.

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