Chapter 18 - Dream Landscape

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"Trust me" was all I heard before my body dropped into an inescapable sleep. Maybe it was escapable but I just didn't want to because I'd missed a real , full good nights sleep.

Sinking into an undescribable softness was my body being cushioned by whatever it was that I was lay on.

Like silk between my fingers yet gloating with the formation of candyfloss. Breathing in the scent of it brought me to serenity, pulling me deeper towards the peacefulness than I'd ever anticipated to have experienced. Sweet and seducing as dauntless cake, cool and open like candor ice cream was the only way I could describe the smell.

Instantly, like a blizzard hit me, I was pulled up and out of the perfect bed. Taking me a while to recognise the pair of arms cradling me that had pulled me out.

"Really?" Eric complains jolting my eyes open.

"Why? Don't you like it?" I question once eye open my eyes just to catch Eric shake his head in disapproval.

I ignore him and take a look down at what used to be the perfect bed: now the candyfloss fluff was crumbling away and dissolving into a wispy smoke below us, that transferred into a duller colour and becoming thicker by the second. It looked familiar, it looked like... Ash.

Eric's grip on me loosened as he lowered me to my feet that made contact with a rough, rocky surface that could be felt through my shoes barely. However he kept ahold of my waist, not letting my slip away from him.

"The things that go on in y-"

"A volcano" my voice breaths out my thoughts as I catch glimpses of red fireworks dancing between the ask.

Now that I've recognised what it is, my brain swallows in a lot more about it: the sounds, the shaking under my feet, the ash wrapping around me like a blanket, the heat attacking me that I'm sure is hot enough to burn me, but isn't.

"Jump" Eric whispers in my ear sending a cool breeze wash over my neck and making me shudder at the thought.

"But I'll die" I state, pressing myself back into Eric to create as much distance between me and the magma below.

"Not if you jump" he edges forward with me until we're on the very edge.

"What is this?" I ask, referring back go the syringe.

"You'll see. When you jump" and as if on cue, a wave of lava comes rushing directly at us but instead of hitting us, it parts in two and goes round either side and rejoining behind us.

The lava continues on for what feels like forever so I use its light to see what's beneath it, inside the volcano.

Besides from the drowning magma pool, the edge is made up of thick rock that appears indestructible by the magma.

Sticking out from it is a sort of ledge a few meters down. I try to push my fear of heights behind me as I shut my eyes and jump.

Waiting for the impact of solid rock to burn and mark me feels like a lifetime.

Eventually my body does collide with something but not what I was expecting. I lower my hands from shielding my face that I hadn't realised till now and reached for the feeling of what was beneath me.

An outer shell of a metallic form of some sort yet if I brought  pressure upon it, a plump substance withheld inside  it pushed back.

breathing calmly, I regained myself and unlatched my eyelids. before me was a breathtaking sight.

A Dragon.

there  was no other way to describe it. An ember, red and golden rendered, solid skin as a protective barrier I presume with its inside made up of pure magma.

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