Chapter 21 - Roar!

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I need to get out.

After Jeanine's visited I found myself drifting off to sleep but it probably wasn't that long as there was still light coming in through the door.

My arms have got some feeling back in them along with strength. Maybe I can pull myself up.

The rope feels loose, loose enough for me to wrap my wrists around them to make them shorter and in doing so, pulls me up and if I apply my force okay I should be able to stand up.

Straining at first to get a good grip, I do eventually get myself on my feet, now unwrapping the rope from my wrists that hand down low and fortunately, my wrists aren't collaborated together so I can turn around.

I wonder if Jeanine knows all this. With that question bugging me,  I turn around and holding my wrists in front of my face, I see I can just about untie myself with my teeth if I'm up for it. Which I am.

Luckily, the rope is thick so I can slip it out easier than thin rope I think, and it won't slow me down if a part of it becomes damp. Doing this is actually easier than removing a tight bottle cap from the bottle strangely. As soon as the rope is loose enough, I wriggle one wrist out and now with that free hand, I easily unlock my other captive hand.

Deep red marks are buried into my wrists with the pattern of the rope, almost with resemblance of an intricate bracelet reminding me of Amity in a way.

I stretch my hands and flex my wrists, rubbing them until I'm happy with them before I find myself walking around aimlessly, no idea what to do next.

I try the door but obviously it's locked. I see the blinking camera, still unsure of why sometimes it blinks and why sometimes it stares.

I find myself sitting in front of the door. Perhaps because of the light and I don't want myself to go blind when I just walk out into bright daylight.


At least an hour must've passed by now. I've been: speaking to myself, singing nursery rhymes, arguing with myself, shouting at the camera, reciting quotes that I can remember, recalling plots of stories that I don't want to forget, asking the camera to give me stuff like a book or music or whatnot. All out loud. And I'm still bored as nothing has happened yet.

I feel like I'm in a prison cell in Abnegation again. Smiling at the memories of how I treated it like a second home because I was in there so often. Mainly because Marcus was ashamed of me I think because I would be making a racket which I thought was hardly anything! Or maybe it was because I was never actually home and always out and about, usually on my own with a book which I saw nothing wrong with but Marcus did. Although he never said he was disappointed in me, but I'm sure he thought it.

This place was similar to the cells. The main difference was abnegation cell walls and floor were grey and simple and these were dark and haunting. I'm just casually waiting for a hand to crawl out of the floor.

Bored, I begin to tap against the floor a random rhythm until I change it into the cup song. Silent at first with just the sound of my hands against the dusty floor. Humming then sneaks in and I find the words leaving my mouth after I find myself playing out the rhythm on whatever I can: floor, door, wall, myself even.

"Stop that" a voice startles me that echoes around the room, making it difficult for me to locate the source. I do find myself stopping, only because I instantly recognise the voice.

"Eric" I say sweetly with a smile as I go towards the camera, standing in front of it directly from the other end of the room.

"Am I annoying you?" I lean against the wall and fold my arms, happily.

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